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Italic = Jonah signing, bold = texting or writing

The next morning I wake up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and sit up stretching before grabbing my phone. Looking through my messages I see texts from Malia, Kira and my professors canceling classes for today. But then I see a text from a number I don't recognize. I cautiously open it only for last night to come back to me immediately when I see it's from Sicheng. Smiling I read it eagerly. "We have a day off because of Xiaojun being sick so I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me?" Blushing I text back immediately. "I'd like that. I'm headed over with my brother to check on Xiaojun anyways so I'll just meet you at your dorm." Once I hit send I quickly rush out of bed and grab some clothes before heading to the bathroom to shower and change. Once I'm ready I grab my notebook and phone then skip into the kitchen and over to Nikko. He looks up from his coffee and raises an eyebrow at me. "You look nice." I blush a little and sign excitedly. "Sicheng wants to hang out today and I thought I'd look my best." He gives me a little smile and gets up putting his empty cup in the sink. "Well let's head over then." I smile and then follow him out of the building over to the guys dorm. Once we reach it and get let in I greet everyone with a happy wave. I quickly follow Nikko over to Xiaojun to check his vitals and everything then I'm dismissed Nikko reassuring me that he can do everything else. I nod and head over to Sicheng shyly. He looks up and smiles at me. "You ready to go?" I nod smiling back at him. He gets up grabbing a cap and mask then motions for me to follow him. I walk at his side we headed for a little cafe. Once we walk in and head to the front to order Sicheng gives his order then looks over at me. "Do you want anything?" I nod and look at the menu thoughtfully before writing my order down and showing Sicheng who orders for me. After getting our things we head to the back of the cafe and take a seat at a table. Once we're seated he carefully looks around before taking off his mask. I nibble at my muffin and take a sip of my coffee before writing down in my notebook "so your an idol right? What's that like?" He looks at it and gives me a smile. "It's fun but tiring and a lot of work." I nod giving him a sympathetic smile "I bet so." He then tilts his head. "What about you? I see you help your brother out with nursing." I nod "I'm currently in college and studying to either be a special needs nurse or teacher for kids who can't speak or hear." His expression softens a little. "That's really amazing." I blush a little then Sicheng gives me a curious look. "So I saw you already knew Ten and Yangyang. How'd you guys meet?" I give him an amused look before scribbling down in my notebook "I was grocery shopping and Ten ran into me trying to get away from some fruit Yangyang was attacking him with." Sicheng bursts into laughter and I grin at him. Once he calms down he smiles at me. "That definitely is something they would do." I nod smiling. We then continue chatting until Sicheng receives a text asking him to come back to the dorm. He frowns slightly and gives me an apologetic look but I wave him off writing in my notebook "it's fine I understand. We can hang out again another time." He smiles appreciatively at me and we both get up leaving the cafe and walk back to the dorm. When we walk inside I see Nikko packing up his supplies and I skip over to him smiling. He looks at me and motions me to follow him he wishing everyone a polite goodbye before heading for the door. I wave at everyone giving Sicheng a sweet smile before leaving with my brother back to our apartment.

Dreaming (a Dong Sicheng/Winwin x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now