Ch 7

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Italic = Jonah signing, bold = texting or writing

The next couple of days I spend texting Sicheng unable to spend some time with him due to his practice schedule and my school schedule. Sitting in the cafe with my friends Kira and Malia they bickering about supernatural creatures while I take a drink of my cold coffee before my phone buzzes signaling I got a text. Quickly opening it I smile happily when I read it my friends giving me knowing smiles. "What did he say?" I hand over the phone the words "would you like to come over for dinner Friday night? We could go for a walk afterwards." They both grin at me and give a teasing "ooo meeting his work family already." I blush looking a little shy before taking my phone back and agree to the dinner. Once it's sent I immediately grab my notebook "what am I gonna wear? What if it turns out they don't like me?" They both give me reassuring smiles. "They'll love you Jonah and as for what to wear we can come over and help." I give a little nod and an appreciative smile. I then check the time and frown seeing I need to go home to make dinner. I let the girls know then head out of the cafe and to my apartment where I quickly unlock the door then close it and head straight for the kitchen making myself dinner before setting some in the fridge for Nikko. I then head to my room to study before crashing a few hours later.

Dreaming (a Dong Sicheng/Winwin x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now