Chapter 2

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I saw Nick hanging out with Rafe, Topper and Kelce, I groaned and rolled onto my back.
Nick yelled" Hey! Minor, get your ass over here!" I sat up, and looked at him,
I yelled" I'd rather hang out with the dead than them!" He held up a 20, I groaned then got up, running over to them.

I snatched the 20 and smiled sarcastically, Nick ruffled my hair,
I said" Dude!" I started fixing it,
Kelce said" Aren't hanging out with pogues today?" I squared him up, staring at him,
" Say anything about my friends, Kelce, and I will kick your ass so hard you won't be able to walk for a week!"
" What is wrong with your little brother, Nick, he hangs out with psychos." I punched him, we started fighting, I kept getting punches in while dodging the majority of his. Nick grabbed me and yanked me off, getting in front of me as Kelce went to punch. He blocked the punch, staring at Kelce,
Nick said" Knock it off!"
I said" Keep your mouth shut, Kelce!" Nick turned to me,
" Kai, shut up!" I glared at Kelce," Get! Go on, go meet up with your friends. Cool off!" Kelce laughed, I lunged, Nick grabbed me and held me back," Go cool off, now!" I turned and stormed off, breathing heavily, running inside.

I panicked as I got to my room, pacing and panting, trying to cool down, once my emotions hit... they hit hard. I punched my wall, making a fist sized hole in it, I groaned as I pulled my fist out and grimaced, looking at the cut up knuckles. I grabbed my bag and keys, walking out, heading for my four-wheeler.

I got to John B's, I saw them getting into the van,
I said" What'd I miss?"
John B said" Get in."
JJ said" What happened to your fist?" He grabbed my wrist,
Kie said" Whoa." I yanked my hand away from him, wiping the blood off with the inside of my pocket.
I said" Nothing."

John B said" I mean, it's obvious, right? A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"
Kie said" Yeah, it's possible."
Pope said" It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help..." john B said" Pope."
" You know, deal with your sad feels."
JJ said" Bro, you know how I process my sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it."
John B said" I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message."
Kie said" If it helps you believe, John B."
" Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay? I'm not trippin' out."
JJ said" It's okay to trip, bro, but-"
" Look, my-my dad is missing, okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering."
Kie said" It's been almost a year."
JJ said" Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility."
Pope said" Yeah, could be in a soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere."
" Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis."
Kie said" JJ. Look, what do you think the message is?"
John B said" Redfield. Redfield lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place."

We got out at the lighthouse,
John B said" Right. You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, okay?"
JJ said" Wait... why me?"
Pope said" Because you're not coming."
" Why?"
" There are independent and dependent variables. And you're an independent variable."
" Shut up. Shut-"
" We don't know what you'll do."
" Shut up!"
John B said" Listen to me for a second. Just listen! Pope, you stand look out with JJ. Okay? If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house."
Kie said" Great."
I said" I'll stay with B team."
Pope said" I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay, and I'm trying to keep felonies down to a minimum." JJ started kicking a hacky sack, Kie and John B jumped the fence.
JJ said" Alright, would you just shut up already?"
I said" I'm not in the mood to be around toxic masculinity today." I went to walk away but JJ grabbed me by the waist, pulling me back in.
" What?" His arm wrapped around my stomach, I huffed,
" Let go."
" Nope, not till you tell your best friend what happened to your hand." I groaned and squirmed, which only caused him to completely abandon the hacky sack and wrap both arms firmly around my stomach.
" I might... need you to come help me fix a wall..." I dropped my head as he laughed, then noticed I was serious,
" Shit, what'd you do, Mermaid?!"
" I punched a freakin' wall and broke the wall... maybe my hand in the process."
" Wiggle your fingers." He kissed my shoulder, I wiggled my fingers, flinching at the sore feeling." Not broke."
" Good. I'd die if I had to explain that to my parents."
" So, who pissed you off?" I rolled my eyes and moved away from him,
Pope said" I'd like to know too."
I said" Nosey asses."
JJ said" Yeah, baby!"
" Just some Kooks, no big deal."
" It's totally a big deal, you punched a wall... after getting totally decked at the neck." He moved my shirt neck-hole and looked at the bruise forming on my collarbone.
" I... definitely thought you wouldn't notice that."
" What did you do?"
" Fought Kelce. No big deal. Nick pulled me off, I punched the wall, then headed to you... guys."
" Mmhm." He grabbed my hand and examined the cuts, I rolled my eyes, smiling a little.

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