Chapter 27

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I was eating eggs, my parents came in,
I said" I'll clean it in a second."
Mom said" We're going to the Carrera's anniversary party tonight, get ready."
" Thought I was grounded and I really hate parties."
" Well, this is added punishment then. Go get a shower, get that cleaned and look decent."
" Yeah... fine." I stared at the majority of the food left on the plate," I'm not hungry anymore." I stood up, then slid the plate on the ground, it shattered.
Dad said" Really, Kai?"
" Yeah, yeah..." I walked away and headed up the stairs, I stopped before I could get to the top.
" He's out of control, Beth."
Mom said" I know... but I can't- I can't just send him away, Ben."
" Well, we'll find one close to home, so he won't have to leave but he'll still far away from those pogue friends of his."
" Fine, yeah, that'll- That'll work." I walked to my room, staring at all the stuff that literally means nothing to me. I knew they hated my best friends, I should have figured it out way sooner.

I was at the party with Kie and Sarah, Sarah dropped a bomb!
Kie said" Are you kidding me, Sarah? That doesn't even make sense. Ward's on the island? Like, the same island we are on, Sarah?"
" Yes, he's back. Mm-hmm."
" The second I see him, I'm turning him in, I swear. I don't know how you do it. Every time I wanna complain about my dad, I just think about your dad."
" Oh, glad to be of service."
" Works every time."
" I'm glad I could help. You didn't tell me Topper was gonna be here."
" Sorry. My mom invited like the whole island."
" Shit."
" It's not a big deal."
" Shit."
" I'll keep him away, or Kai will."
I said" Um, Kai's actually being threatened with exile, soo..."
Both girls said" What?!"
" Ah, that's why I didn't wanna tell you."
Kie said" Like, seriously?" I nodded quickly,
" I am not allowed to leave the house or use my ride, and they're looking for places to send me... and the only reason I'm standing here is because this is added punishment, because my anxiety doesn't allow me to like parties until I'm stoned or drunk."
" Damn." I nodded,
Sarah said" How'd they take the..." She slid her thumb across the cut,
I said" Tried to make me go to a hospital, and blamed the pogues, of course! So, Uh... I cannot be anywhere near Topper because I can't stand him, and I'n so riled up it's borderline making me crazy, so.. I'm gonna go find a corner to hide in and stay there till it's over." They both hugged me," Thanks. See you guys later."
" Bye."
Kie said" Love ya." I did the peace sign as I walked away from them, going to find somewhere a little more quiet to hide.

I was walking around, Mom found me hiding and made me come out, I saw JJ, what the hell? He whistled as he noticed me, I gulped and looked around for my parents. I walked to him,
He said" Hey, come on, we gotta go to South America, total search and rescue mission."
I said" What?"
" Big John got nabbed by Singh and he's taking him to South America, so... come on!"
" JJ, this is the worst possible time- I-I... We have barely talked, okay? And something definitely changed, well, at least for you, and I love you, J."
" Not gonna work."
" It worked before."
" Things change. Are you coming or not?"
" I-I... I-I..."
I heard dad say" Kai, son." I froze with fear,
JJ said" Gonna take that as a maybe, the pogue is at the dock." He walked away, Dad walked up to me,
" Was that JJ?"
I said" Yeah, but-"
" No, you stay by us from now on." He grabbed my arm and dragged me off, I looked back for JJ, he was watching me. I shook my head, mouthing I'm sorry.

I was standing with my head down, waiting for this horrible night to be over, and I heard Topper yelling. I looked up and saw John B, uh-oh. Then John B decked him,
John B said" You like that shit, Top?"
Sarah said" Stop, John B!"
Kie said" John B."
" Stop! What are you doing? No!" And John B punched him again, while he was already down, shit, he's pissed! What did I miss?! John B kept punching, Mike grabbed him and pulled him off and I saw JJ come running.
Mike said" Get out of here!"
John B said" Is that what you want, Mike?"
JJ said" Get off of him!" Backing John B up,
Mike said" That's what I'm talking about! Both of you get out of here!"
John B said" You happy, Sarah?" I went to take off after my best friends, but my dad grabbed my arm,
I said" Dad, dad, come on, he's- I need to help him, he's really pissed."
He said" I don't care, that's not your problem now!"
" I- Dad?!"
" No, go get in the car. Nick, take your brother to the car." Nick walked up, Dad let go of me, I sighed and followed Nick,
He said" You've done it now. Should have just stuck to the right crowd."
I said" Shut up! I don't know what John B did that for, okay?! I have no clue, I've been on lockdown! So piss off!"
" Stop being angry."
" I'm not angry, I'm pissed and anxious and I really need my best friends, okay? I'm not angry. So, just... leave me alone." I got into the car and leaned my head against the seat.

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