Chapter 5

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{Krism's POV}

How can I be seeing myself? It's not logical! Why is this happening?!?!

"Can I have a minute alone guys?" Minx says as I look over at her, "Please?"

"Of course Minx," says Yamimash. Everyone but Minx leaves.

"Krism, I don't know if you're okay. I don't know if you can hear me. I do know one thing though. I love you. I don't know if you feel the same way or if you ever will but, I do feel that way."

She feels the same way? I think then, she continues, "When I first saw you my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't speak because of your beauty. No one has ever made me feel that way. I want to know you more and go on dates and be around each other all the time." As she says this I'm hugging her in whatever state I'm in.

"I have to go for right now. I'll be back tomorrow if you're not awake by then. Bye." Before she leaves she kisses my forehead. I wish I could tell her I feel the same way.

{Minx's POV}

I walk out of the room crying. I see the guys and wipe my tears away and run up to them. "So, what did you do while we were gone?" says Mark.

"Oh, I just talked to her," I reply caught off guard.

"I've been looking everywhere for you guys!" says a voice from behind us. I turn around to see Cry. "So how's Krism doing?"

"She's doing fine but, she may be in a coma," says Seananners.

"What? Seananners I know you explained to me that Krism passed out during the surgery but, a coma? How?"

"We don't know yet for sure but, we think it may be a tumor."

"What?!?!" I scream, "A tumor and no one told me?!?!"

"Minx we were going to tell you but-" Mark says before I cut him off.

"But what Mark? Hmm? What stopped you from telling me?!?! You know what, nevermind. I'm leaving." I walk out of the room and continue to the lift, one that actually works, and go the front doors. I didn't ever turn back.

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