Chapter 12

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5 Years Later

Minx sat by Krism's hospital bed crying. The doctors knew she didn't have much time left, possibly a year. Minx started thinking about moving so she didn't have to experience Krism's death.

"I love you Krism, goodbye," Minx said and kissed Krism on the forehead one last time before leaving the room. She grabbed her bag along the way and headed off to her apartment to pack the last box.


As Minx loaded the last box into the U-Haul, she looked back at her apartment thinking of how she quit her job.


"I quit," Minx started to say, "I'm quitting because I'm moving."

"How soon are you moving?" replied the manager.

"Three days."

"Haven't you heard of two weeks notice? Besides this is also the week that is our busiest with the fair being in town."

"I don't care."

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me, I quit. You can't change my mind about it. Goodbye forever," Minx said handing in her name tag and walked out.

{Flashback Over}


"Pull over!" said a cop into his radio with his sirens on chasing a purple Ford Fiesta.

"Never!" replied the driver with a British accent in the Ford Fiesta and money bag in the back if the car.

To Be Continued...

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