Chapter 6

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{Minx's POV}

Why didn't they say anything about what was happening with Krism? Did they think that I wouldn't understand because I'm a new surgeon? Do they not understand that I care about her? Will the only person who understands be Cry?

As theses questions are soaring through my head, I end up hearing a police siren and pull over. I hope that wasn't meant for me. The siren is still going and passes by my car. I let out a sigh of relief and continue on to my house.


After making myself some dinner, ceaser salad with ranch, I sit down on the black leather couch. I turn on the television and go to the local news.

"In recent news," the reporter begins, "a general surgeon collapsed whilst performing a surgery. Causes of the collapse are unknown but, are being investigated by the doctors-" I turn off the television. I can't bare to hear about poor Krism.

I wonder how she's doing? In her possible coma. As I think more about Krism, I start to realize that maybe I shouldn't have yelled at Mark like that. He was going to tell me anyways.

Great, now I feel like a complete jerk. Better go apologize to him.

{Krism's POV}

I can't believe what I just witnessed. Minx yelled at Mark for not telling her about how I may be in a coma. She really does care about me. Minx was being honest about loving me. Unlike girls in the past.

Flashback {No One's POV}

"Hey Krism!" said Hailey as she put her arms around Krism and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hello Hailey!" Krism said as she hugged Hailey back. "You know I love you, right?"

"No Krism, I didn't know that my own girlfriend loves me. Yes I know! You nut. I also love you."

The Next Day [Flashback Still Happening]

Krism walked up to the restaurant that was going to be the place for Hailey and Krism's date. All of a sudden she heard a familiar laugh and looked over to see Hailey. With another girl. Krism dropped the flowers she was holding for Hailey and ran out crying.

Flashback Over

{Back to Krism's POV}

I think about Minx for awhile then realize, I may be in a coma. What could've caused it? I try to think of how it may have happened but, I just cannot think of how it was caused. Maybe it was due to swelling in my brain which was caused by an electrolyte imbalance. I should know this! I am a general surgeon after all! Well, I can't help myself in this state I'm in.

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