Chapter 11

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A/N Minx starts out at around the age of 21, so in the 10 years that will pass she'll be around her real age. Just didn't want any confusion.

1 Year Later

"Krism, I don't know how many times I'll tell you this but, I love you," Minx said laying by the hospital bed stroking Krism's hair.

Minx finally got a stable job working as a waitress at a restaurant. She got a decent paycheck each week and was able to afford her apartment again. Still though, things were hard having barely any friends since almost all of them were from the hospital. Mark tried to keep in touch but, when he was going to work for a different hospital it became too hard. Cry had his hands full and didn't have time for any friends. Seananners wasn't talking to her because they weren't that good of friends.

Minx felt alone and sad. She made a friend at the restaurant but, they didn't talk that much since they worked at different sides of the restaurant.

"Visiting hours are over. It's time to leave," said the doctor who walked up to Minx.

"Okay, I understand. Thanks for letting me know," Minx replied.

"Hey, you're kind of cute. Want to go out on a date?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Do you want to go out on a date?"

"I'm sorry but, my heart belongs to someone else."

"Oh come on. He doesn't have to know."

"It's not a guy to which my heart belongs." Without waiting for a response, Minx walked out of the room and towards the front door.

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