Chapter 8

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{Seananners' POV}

My pager suddenly starts going off. I check to see that it's from Minx. It says that we're going to be told what is going on with Krism. But why? We already know she's in a coma. This seems a little weird but, who am I to judge?

I leave the cafeteria to head off to Krism's room. I was in there drinking chocolate milk and eating almonds. I didn't have anything better to do.


"She may be in the coma for life," the doctor said. Minx broke out into tears and Cry went over to comfort her.

"Minx, their may be a chance she'll make it," Cry said hugging Minx.

"Ya Minx, she'll be okay. Krism will pull through. She's never been the one to give up," I say also trying to help.

We all then go around Minx in a group and hug her. Her sobs begin to quite a little bit until their just sniffles.

"I know she will. I just. I just don't want her to leave me because I love her," Minx says obviously fighting back tears.

"Well I better get going," the doctor said before leaving. He leaves the room obviously not wanting to invade our privacy.

If Krism makes it, Minx is going to be the happiest person in the world and
always will be. I'm sure of it.

{Krism's POV}

I might make it?! Might?! So what I got from that doctor is that I might die and leave Minx forever. Great. I hope I get through this soon to confess to Minx how I feel.

What will happen to Minx while I'm in this coma? Will she fall apart? Will she find someone else? Will she be okay? I hope she doesn't fall apart and will still love me. But, I want her to be happy and if that means that she finds someone else, so be it. But, still. I want her to be mine and only mine. Ergh! This so confusing!

I soon realize that everyone has left the room. Except Minx and she begins to say, "Krism. I love you with all my heart and always will. So please make it through so I can see you everyday and talk. We can play video games if you want to since it's one of my hobbies. We could play one of my favorite games on console, Devil May Cry 3." A/N This is for Barbarousduke1 since he wanted me to reference Devil May Cry. It's one of his favorite games. Are you happy now?

Devil May Cry? What kind of game is that? Ah well, if I make it I'll play it with her as much as she wants. For one reason only right now and that reason is I love her.

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