Chapter 10

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A/N From now on the story won't be from any specific view or person. It'll just be a narration with little, if any, dilagoue. Hope you enjoy! Okay bye! NOM!

It's been a month since Krism went into a coma. Everyone has been on edge and trying to carry on with their work but, it's just not the same. After every surgery, no one stays in the cafeteria for long. They want to go see Krism but lately, barely any visit her anymore. Seananners stopped visiting after Krism being in the coma for a week. Yami stopped visiting a little bit after Seananners because it brought up memories of his mother. Markiplier had to stop visiting since he has a lot of surgeries to do. Minx and Cry were the only people left who visited her.

Everyone started disconnecting from each other and carried on with their lives. Minx and Cry barely ever spoke. There was nothing left to say. Eventually, Cry stopped visiting and talking to Minx. Minx kept on visiting though, eacn and every day. Always leaving by kissing Krism's forehead. Even though all of them used to be friends, they just stoppped talking because they didn't see the point in it.

3 Months Later

Minx ended up getting fired for not paying attention to her work. That didn't matter to her though. Krism was the only one she cared about. She cared about Krism because she had never met anybody like her. Minx doubted she would ever find someone else like her.

With Minx losing her job it led to some financial issues and eventually she got a job as a cashier, making minimum wage. Life started getting harder and eventually she lost that job.

This went on for weeks until, she started taking small jobs like mowing lawns, walking dogs, and other things in that general area. She could barely afford her apartment. She didn't care because she needed to see Krism. She NEEDED to see Krism. It was no longer something she wanted to do. She needed to see her to keep sane.

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