Chapter Four

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Do you know that deadpan face you make when someone is about to tell you something and they say 'nevermind'? Picture that face with eye bags. Yep, that's me right now.

Depressed and sleep deprived.

Ever since that incident in the bathroom the clown from my dream has been showing up more often than I am comfortable with. I've also started hearing voices in my head and can feel myself about to collapse at any time.

That's probably a sign I'm going nuts, but I'm too money deprived to do anything about it, and it's not like my part time job at the local pharmacy is making things any better.

It's also not fair how the weekend's so short. I could've sworn that it was Friday about a minute ago. Not going to lie I'm starting to regret applying for that scholarship.

I walked down my school hallway loathing my existence yet again and trying not to let the dizzy feeling in my head affect me.

"Dammit" I lowly cursed as I got to my locker.

It kind of shocked me how Camilla wasn't waiting for me outside school with her minions ready to throw eggs at me or empty my bag and put it in a nearby trash bin. Maybe she finally got bored of me and would finally leave me alone.

I punched in my locker combination and opened my locker only for me to be greeted with a strong odor as well as a dead rat.

I might've spoken too soon.

A tired sigh escaped my lips. This is the absolute least of my worries and found this act tame compared to the other things Camilla has done to me. I grabbed the rat by its tail and pulled it out of my locker. The carcass landed on the floor with a soft thud and the fowl odor spread like a wildfire.

Students passing by shrieked when they saw the rat but quickly scrunched up their noses and hastened their footsteps to get away from the smell. Some even shot me dirty looks to which I ignored.

Looking back into my locker, I noticed a small pink note neatly folded. With a confused look on my face I unfolded it and opened it up.

'Here's a small gift for a home wrecker like you' It read.

I furrowed my brows and read it again. I'm too exhausted to even think of what she means by the statement. I quietly crumpled up the pink note and threw it down.

When I turned to face the hallway I realised that there were more people staring at me than I remembered. Their disgusted looks left me confused. They couldn't be staring at me this judgingly because of a simple rat.

Something's going to go down and I'm sure of it.

My hunch was proven right as I saw Camilla walking towards me, her minions flocking her left and her right side. She had a half-smirk, half-frown expression on her face and the whispers of the students started to grow louder as she stopped right in front of me.

Suddenly I felt my face being forcefully moved to my right side as well as a stinging sensation on my left cheek.

The bitch just slapped me, and with a lot of force as well. Though it didn't faze me it felt like someone had poured scalding hot water on my cheek.

The hall fell silent as I slowly looked up at Camilla's face.

"You bitch!" She shrieked. Her Spanish accent prominent "You think you can steal my man from me?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I inquired.

"Don't play innocent with me" Camilla sneered "You know what you did"

"No, I dont"

Camilla let out a high-pitched giggle. Her minions followed suit, competing with each other to match Camilla's pitch.

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