Chapter Seven

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After ignoring and avoiding my friends due to guilt, anger, resentment, and concentration for about a week, I conducted research on how to remove Pennywise from existence once and for all and ended up finding where the tribe lived.

They were settled in Maine after the Kenduskeag river and into the forest. The tribe, from my sources, has also been studying and researching the happenings of Pennywise for centuries.

I trekked the far corners of the forest finding the people, searching high and low for them. I occasionally encountered plenty of bugs and insects as I searched much to my dismay.

I stopped walking abruptly when I felt needles of pain pierce into my ankle. I looked and saw a medium-sized, black and red spider.


I quickly flicked it away and bent down to assess the injury. There were two red dots on my skin and it had started to swell. I let out a groan and tried to walk despite the pain I was feeling.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy and collapsed onto the grassy ground. I prayed with all my might that the spider wasn't venomous.

Who am I kidding? It was black and red! Of course, it's venomous!

I felt my eyes close slowly but were open just enough for me to look at a pair of grippers, and let me tell you they were dirty as fuck.

"Damn it" I cursed and slowly closed my eyes.


I slowly opened my eyes to behold a new place. Fabric spread all around me so I figured I was in some kind of tent or hut. I looked at my ankle and saw that the spider bite had been heavily bandaged. I sat up and blinked multiple times as I scanned the contents of the hut. Grass lay beneath me and some mats were placed in different corners. A few sharp stones made to look like knives were in front of me.

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I sat up.

As if on cue a woman crawled into the hut. She had some whiteish stuff on her face and wore clothes made from animal skin. I quickly noticed her feet and immediately thought of how dirty they were then it dawned on me that she was the person I saw before I passed out.

Okay, but can she please clean her feet?

When she saw me she approached me and I instinctively backed away. She stopped just in front of me and examined my bandaged ankle then smiled at me.

"Much better," She said.

I watched as she slowly unwrapped the bandage. A few leaves that I assumed she had put on my ankle fell out as she did. The swelling around the bite had reduced and the two red dots I had seen moments ago were replaced with a scar.

"We had to cut open the area so we could remove the venom" She made a small pause "You were lucky. The spider that bit you is fairly venomous, but a bite from it could turn catastrophic if not treated within three hours"

I looked at her a bit skeptical because I didn't know if she was just treating me to sacrifice me to a spider God or something. She noticed my uneasiness and backed away.

"Sorry if I frightened you" She apologized "We do not often have outsiders in our village"

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The Ino tribe" The woman replied helping me up.

Oh yeah! That's what the tribe's name was!

She lead me out of the hut and I saw the rest of the Inos. Some were fishing, some farming, and some hunting, but they stopped abruptly to look at the strange outsider with her orange hair in a neat ponytail wearing a hoodie and sweatpants as well as flip flops (Not a fitting thing to wear to the jungle, I know. I don't know what entered my head either).

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