Individual Triumph

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*Reading this chapter isn't compulsory*

Ben's Triumph

Ben started to panic when he heard Ria. He saw his phone in the corner and ran to it while his parents tailed closely behind.

He picked up the phone and used its flashlights to blind his parents while he looked for the knife the kidnapper used to kill them. He slightly gagged when he held it in his arm.

"God, I hope I recover from doing this" He sighed.

He ran up to his parents and started to swing and stab them with the knife. His parents screeched and wailed as blood splattered all over Ben's face, body and hands.

"Be lucky. You both get to die again" Ben hissed.

When he made sure that they were not moving he fell to the ground and panted heavily. He was still in the darkness but it had dawned on him when he had finished killing his parents.

He went towards the light switch and put it on only to be blinded by the sudden light. When his eyes adjusted to it, he yelped when he saw the mess he had made.

"Jesus Christ!" He gagged. When he remembered the knife was in his hands he dropped it and gagged again.

"I am so not going to recover from this nightmare" Ben groaned.

He then remembered that Ria was in danger and returned to his physical state.


Daniel's Triumph

Daniel was about to be reduced to nothingness by the roaches that ran after him and was currently trying to fight them off when he heard Ria.

"Shit! That's right! This isn't real!" Daniel said happily.

He looked at the cockroach that was trying to bite him and smirked.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this"

He held the cockroach by its mouth with his two hands and ripped it apart. He scrunched up his face in disgust when he saw its legs still wriggling as it lay on its back.

"Ew. Gross" He gagged.

One was about to charge him from behind but he was quick to react and kicked it down then stepped on it through its torso. When he saw the brown liquid seep through his clothes he gagged again.

"Damn, I hate these creatures"

He single-handedly took down all the cockroaches that plagued him even the ones that flew until he was covered in brown liquid from head to toe.

"Ew! Ew! Ew!" He screamed as he tried to get some of it off him.

He continued to do this until he was back to his physical state.


Steve's Triumph

Steve had a few knife stabs on his stomach and arms while he fought his dad. His dad had caught up to him and toppled him over and was trying to press it down Steve's eye.

The very tip of the blade had penetrated and caused Steve lots of pain. His strength was declining and in a few seconds, he would die. Ria saved the day and he listened closely to what she was saying and panicked when she said she wasn't going to make it.

"So this pain isn't real then?" Steve asked.

He let his hands go from his dad's and his dad was able to stab his eye but he didn't feel any pain whatsoever. His dad was surprised by his son's sudden action.

It Chapter Three: The Offspring Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant