Chapter Fifteen

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Ria watched as Pennywise stood before her dancing to a demonic tune. She found no amusement in her dancing since she had done the same thing to Beverly.

"That's so terrifying" She rolled her eyes, sarcasm tinted in her voice.

"No applause?" Pennywise pouted.

Ria let out a yelp as she felt the clown control her body and force her hands to clap.

"Much better" The clown giggled.

"I'll make sure you don't see another day!" Ria gritted her teeth.

Pennywise frowned and skipped towards Ria. It wrapped her cold, white hands around her with the intent of choking her. Ria gasped and coughed as she tried her hardest to breathe. Pennywise smiled at this.

"You're scared. Try all you want to be brave. Bravery is just a way to cover your fear"

"What do you want from me?" Ria wheezed.

"For you to join me, and even if you die trying to resist it you will instantly be a part of me"

Pennywise began to slowly open her mouth and Ria knew what she was trying to do. She needed to act fast. She turned one of her fingers into a long blade and used it to stab one of Pennywise's eyes.

The clown screeched and lost her grip on the girl who ran into one of the tunnels while taking big gasps of air mixed with sewage stench.

"You can't run from me, Hazelwise!" Pennywise bellowed, voice distorting "You can't run from me!"


The group of friends cautiously entered the house, hearts, and minds racing as they did.

"They can't possibly be in the house," Daniel said.

"I agree" Kai nodded.

"Maybe we should check around, or something" Steve suggested.

Suddenly a door flew open causing the boys to flinch. Out of the door came Camilla's rotting corpse. She smiled creepily at all of them, but her eyes soon landed on Ben who was the least happy to see her.

"Miss me, mi amor?" Camilla asked. Her high-pitched voice mixed with a low demonic one.

"I miss anything but you" Ben barked "God, even in death you don't leave me alone"

Camilla charged at Daniel who was ready to swing his bat at her. However, he wasn't prepared when her eyes fell out and blood started spewing from the place her heart had been removed.

"Fuck. I'm gonna throw up" Daniel retched.

While he was busy retching, he had forgotten that Camilla still pursued him. She ended up toppling over Daniel and vomiting an unknown liquid unto his face. Daniel screamed in horror as he tried to fight Camilla off. Luckily, Ben was ready with his bat and knocked her off the poor boy. She went flying and her back hit the old well sitting in the middle of the house. Kai delivered the final blow and Camilla fell inside the well. A terrified scream turning into an echo trailed her as the five boys looked into the well.

"Why?" Daniel whined as he tried to remove the liquid from his face "It got in my mouth"

"Did she kill you? No" Steve rolled his eyes.

"Not gonna lie, I felt so much better after hitting Camilla" Ben admitted.

"Me too" Kai chimed in "My cheerfulness is always being tested by her every day. Now that I've hit her my cheerfulness has been restored"

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