Chapter Eleven

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The day of our scheduled outing had dawned on us. Daniel decided that we all go to the quarry. It had rained recently and provided the perfect opportunity to swim in the lake. Another reason why Daniel decided to go was that above the lake there was a cliff and only the bravest of people jumped off of it. He said it was a test for them to know 'if they had balls'.

It was also very exhausting to pretend like I didn't get my stomach slightly cut open. I just didn't want them to worry about me.

I was the last person to arrive because I wanted to mentally prepare myself for this outing. I'd never hung out with anyone before so it was new to me. We met up at the edge of the cliff. Kai was down at the bottom because of his fear of heights.

I wasn't keen on exposing myself, though most of my bruises had healed. To solve this issue, I wore a Camouflage Raglan Bikini Swimsuit with short sleeves that I had ordered online. Even with the cover-up I still felt kind of naked though.

"Took you long enough" Daniel sneered.

"Wow, Ria! You look amazing" Steve complimented.

"Thanks. I just bought it"

"You have good taste," Ben remarked as he smiled at me. I awkwardly looked away.

I completely forgot about his confession now things are seriously going to be awkward between us.

"Are you guys done?" Steve asked in annoyance.

"What? Jealous?" Ben mocked and he put his arm around me much to my shock.

"Why should he be jealous if he has me?" Daniel asked. He went towards Steve and gave him a back hug. I saw blush creep up Steve's cheeks as he quickly released himself from Daniel's grip.

"Get the hell away from me" Steve sneered.

"Their fights are adorable," Ben said to me.

"Yeah" I nodded my head.

"They're not as adorable as you though"

I didn't know how to react to that so I mouthed a small 'Thank you'. I mentally face palmed myself when I said it.

"You've probably said that to Camilla as well," I said.

"Don't talk about her, Ria. She shouldn't leave your mouth. Okay," Ben said sternly.

I was surprised by it but didn't think much of it and nodded my head as a response.

"Are you guys jumping or what?" Kai yelled from below.

"You go, Daniel" Ben suggested "Let's know if you have balls"

"Shut up" Daniel hissed.

"Then Terry should go first," Steve said.

"Not until you guys go first" Terry blankly stated.

"Why? You scared?" Daniel teased.

"No, I want to make sure the water is deep so that I can jump in it"

I silently giggled at Terry's statement. This argument of who's going first will take up the whole day so I decided to go first.

"Pussys," I said before running and jumping into the water. I did a pose I usually saw swimmers do as I entered the water and created a small splash.

I swam where Kai was and looked up to see the others. I couldn't see their faces clearly but I knew they were shocked.

'Now I'm definitely not jumping' I read Daniel's mind.

"I thought you had balls, Daniel!" I shouted.

"Fuck you, Ria!" Daniel shouted back from above. I chuckled as I waited for the others to jump.

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