Chapter Five

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About a week had passed. What had happened between me and Camilla was the talk of the grade. Camilla ended up being on two months of suspension while I started to recover slowly. I'm just happy that she'll stop bullying me for some time.

The boys and I have also tried to investigate the clown, but all of our results ended up with nothing.

"Are we missing something?" Steve asked "We've checked lots of webpages but nothing"

"We still need to keep looking" Ben insisted.

"Uh-uh. This is the last webpage we're checking for today" Daniel declared.

Since I was seated in front of the computer, I dragged the cursor to a webpage while the others surrounded my back. I clicked the page but nothing turned up. This caused the others to groan loudly.

"At this point, I'm taking my chances with the clown" Daniel hissed.

We stood up and walked out of the schools computer room. The computer room was always available after school but no students bothered to go in since they had their phones.

"What time is it?" Kai asked.

"A few minutes to six" Daniel answered as he checked his phone once then twice because he wanted to make sure that the time was correct.

A groan escaped Kai's mouth when the time was said and it echoed as we walked along the quiet hallways sunken with gloom.

"Now what?" Ben asked.

"No idea" I sighed.

"So we just wait for Pennywise to get us or what?" Terry asked.

"Seems about right" Daniel rolled his eyes.

"We need to keep looking. We can't just give up" Terry pressed on.

"I'm losing sleep just so we could find out where this demonic sized Ronald McDonald lookalike came from" Daniel sneered.

"It's not like it's any good to sleep since It's been haunting our goddamn dreams" Ben rolled his eyes.

"Tell me about it" I sighed.

I held my head and blinked rapidly when I heard a voice that was so loud I couldn't ignore it.

'I am so on the verge of killing myself' The voice said. I was able to make out that the voice belonged to Steve.

"Me everyday" I said as I faced Steve.

Everyone faced me and gave me confused stares.

"Nobody was talking, Ria" Daniel said.

"Steve was" I said and pointed a finger at Steve. He creased his brows.

"No, I wasn't"

"You're messing with me, aren't you? Your voice was so loud I couldn't ignore it" I scoffed "You said that you were on the verge of killing yourself"

Steve's jaw dropped slightly at my statement while the others maintained their confused looks.

"That was what I was thinking" The dimple-faced boy said slowly "How the hell are you able to read my thoughts?"

"Your thoughts are loud" I stated.

"Oh my God, Ria! That's amazing!" Kai exclaimed and approached me "Read mine next!"

We made eye contact as Kai had a huge grin on his face.

'Daniel is secretly gay for Steve'

"I'm not sure Daniel would like you telling me something so personal" I smiled at Kai.

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