Chapter 3

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Okay, so here is the next chapter.

I know I have a lot of Ongoing Stories.

But I can only write when I have the inspiration to write.

So if I'm updating one story more than the others, that's because I have more thoughts about that story than the others.

I hope everyone understands.

I'm sorry for the delays and for taking forever to update. I have a lot of things going on.

But without further a do, on with the show!

All around the city, the gong sounded, echoing off the buildings. As Fairy Tail Team B stood atop the hotel, they watched all the other guilds shatter about.

"It's time." Lucy said, looking across the way to where she saw Team A freaking out through the hotel window. "This might be easier than I thought." Lucy said with a sigh.

"To all the guilds who have gathered for our Grand Magic Games. Good Morning!" A voice comes from a projection of a short man in a pumpkin costume. "In order to reduce the participating teams from a hundred thirteen down to eight. We will now begin the Preliminary Event!" The giant Pumpkin projection said.

Mira gasped."You were right." She said in surprise.

"Every year, more and more guilds come. That's a sign this event was starting to be taken too lightly. This year, we've reduced the number of the final competing teams to eight! The Preliminary rules are simple." The pumpkin man said.

The building started to shake and ascend into the sky. However, Laxus, Jellal, and Lucy stood there as though they expected it.

"What's going on?!" Mira yelled in surprise at the moving building as she tried to keep her balance.

"You ready?" Lucy asked, looking up at Laxus.

Laxus smirked. "Of course. I'll get us to the end. You just take care of your part." Laxus said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Wait for them to say start." Lucy sighed.

"You will all now compete with each other. The goal is the event grounds, Domus Flau! The first eight teams to make it will participate in the Games!" The pumpkin man said as a path of steps formed before each team, leading up to a giant Labyrinth. "Feel free to use any magic you like. There are no restrictions. As long as you're one of the first eight teams to make it!" The pumpkin man continued.

"Lucy. Why are you crying?" Mira asked.

"Huh?" Lucy asked, surprised as she lightly touched her cheek only to feel she was indeed crying. "I... I don't know." Lucy said quietly.

Laxus tighten his hold slightly. "Just keep telling yourself that you're doing the right thing." Laxus whispered into her ear, and Lucy nodded before wiping away her tears.

"But if all five of your members don't make it there, you still lose. And one more thing. We take no responsibility for anyone who loses their life in the Labyrinth." The pumpkin man said.

"This will be the easy part." Lucy said, drawing everyone's attention. "Hang onto Laxus, and we'll all make it in no time. We'll be the first." Lucy continued as she clutched Laxus' coat pulling herself closer as she held a gold key in her other hand.

"The Grand Magic Games Preliminary Event! SKY LABYRINTH! HAS BEGUN!" The pumpkin man declared, holding his arms on each side of himself.

"Let's go." Lucy said.

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