Chapter 9

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Okay, here is the next chapter!

I hope you enjoy this chapter despite it being a filler.

Without further ado, on with the show!

"Lahar, get the council soldiers ready. Raven Tail is about to attack." Lucy ordered more than requested.

"Why should we believe you?" Lahar asked with narrowed eyes.

"I think you should do as Miss. Lucy has asked Lahar. She wouldn't make a false report." Mr. Yajima said.

Lucy sent him a grateful smile with a nod.

Lahar sighed. "Very well." Lahar agreed, getting up from the chair. "Lead the way." Lahar said, holding his hand out toward the doorway.

Lucy nodded. "Thank you, Lahar." Lucy said before turning and running out the door, followed by Lahar.

Mira smiled as Gemini-Lucy let go and took a step back. Gemini-Lucy smiled back at her as she cupped her hands behind her back. Mira looked at her, thinking something was off about her. But before she could ask, a spiral of sand surrounded Gemini-Lucy. Gemini-Lucy gasped as her eyes widened, and her hands went outward to the sides.

"Lucy!" Mira shouted as she went to lunge at her. Laxus stepped in front of her to block her from going any further. "Laxus! What are you doing?!" Mira cried out in surprise.

A bunch of paper dolls joined the spiraling sand, slicing into Gemini-Lucy's skin. Gemini-Lucy screamed using Lucy's voice. Gajeel and Wendy were ready to attack when Laxus shook his head, throwing his arm out in front of them.

"Laxus! She's-" Wendy started to cry out, but Laxus smirked as he turned his gaze back to the slowly forming sand figures.

A dark chuckle filled the arena. Gasps and growls echoed through the arena as the Raven Tail group appeared from the sand. Ivan was holding Gemini-Lucy by the back of her neck while his gold-pointed gloves dug into the sides of her neck. Gemini-Lucy wrapped her fingers around his trying to pry them from her neck. All of Fairy Tail was in an uproar as Laxus just stood there with a smirk while he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Laxus! What the hell are you doing?!" Laxus heard his grandfather shout.

"No! Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

"Lu!" Levy's voice followed.

The remaining guild participants stepped back into an attack position except for Orga. He just yawned as he looked on at the scene boredly. It didn't concern him, so why should he get in the middle of it?

Gajeel growled. "Let her go, Ivan!" Gajeel demanded.

Mira was on the verge of losing it. "Let her go." Mira growled, her demon voice slipping through as her magic raged around her causing her hair to fly into the air.

Ivan chuckled as he pulled Gemini-Lucy closer to himself. "Give me what I want, and I'll return her." Ivan said as he rested his chin on Gemini-Lucy's shoulder.

Laxus chuckled in amusement. "So, this was her plan." Laxus said with a slight tilt of his head.

Gemini-Lucy smirked with a giggle. "Yup." Gemini-Lucy said, popping the 'P' at the end. "This was her plan, all right." Gemini-Lucy added, still using Lucy's voice.

"What plan?" Mira whispered, looking on with worry as her magic calmed down.

Gemini-Lucy let her face change quickly before it went back to normal. Mira, Gajeel, and Wendy's eyes all widened. They weren't sure if what they saw was real or if their eyes were playing tricks on them. But looking at Laxus' face, they figured that it was real. Gajeel and Wendy took a quick sniff of the air before they nodded, confirming that it was, in fact, not the real Lucy.

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