Chapter 12

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Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait, but here is the next chapter.

Though it is on the short side, I didn't want to get too far and not be able to stop at a good point.

Cliffhangers are my specialty, after all.

I'll try to make the next chapter a bit longer.

So, without further ado, Let's get on with the show!

"WHAT?!" Doranbolt exclaimed in disbelief. "You can't be serious?!" He continued.

"I'm sorry, but I am." Gemini-Lucy stated coldly.

"Lucy, he's a criminal! You can't seriously think that this is a good idea?" Doranbolt asked.

Gemini-Lucy sighed. They knew this wouldn't go well, but they had their orders. Even though they thought their keyholder was insane at this point. Gemini-Lucy pulled out a gold key and held it in front of her.

"I would much rather prefer to do this the easy way. But if I have to do this the hard way, I have no problem doing so." Gemini-Lucy said.

"Lucy..." Doranbolt stared at her in disbelief. He couldn't believe this was the same Lucy. "I can't just release a criminal." He explained.

Gemini-Lucy nodded with a sigh. "Very well. Just so you know, you've left me no other choice." Gemini-Lucy said as the key glowed. A moment later, a goat-like man with sunglasses appeared next to Gemini-Lucy. "Capricorn, knock him out." They said, stepping back.

Capricorn nodded before launching forward, startling Doranbolt. Doranbolt stumbled backward in shock but didn't have time to act. The next thing he knew, everything went black. Capricorn picked him up and placed him upright against a boulder. He looked back at Gemini-Lucy before disappearing.

Gemini-Lucy sighed. "I wish you would have just done this the easy way." Gemini-Lucy said as their form glowed and changed into the exact copy of Doranbolt. "For the record, I'm sorry about this." Gemini-Doranbolt said before disappearing.

Laxus and the rest of team Fairy Tail followed behind Lucy as they entered the hallway. At the end of the hallway stood First Master Mavis. She looked at Lucy curiously. She couldn't decide whether to say something or let them continue on their way. But she sighed and decided not saying anything wouldn't get any answers to the million questions that were running around in her head.

"Lucy." Mavis called out, causing the group to stop and look at her. Mavis narrowed her eyes at the tired look on Lucy's face. "What's going on? You don't seem like yourself." Mavis commented.

Lucy looked down at the floor. "It's nothing you have to concern yourself about. I need to go speak to Master." Lucy said before walking past her.

Mavis shifted her gaze to Laxus. Laxus shook his head and followed behind Lucy. Mavis sighed before looking at the other three members.

Gajeel sighed. "Don't worry about it. We have it under control." Gajeel said before he and the other two followed behind the two blondes. "I hope." Gajeel muttered under his breath as he passed by Mavis.

That left Mavis even more curious and worried. She sighed and figured to listen in during the conversation with Makarov.

"Sir! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the Grand Magic Games with Lieutenant Lahar?" A guard asked, a bit flustered.

Gemini-Doranbolt sighed. "Yes. I'm sorry to barge in like this. But I must see one of the prisoners. It's urgent." They said.

"Do you have the permission form? I'm sorry, but I can't let you through without permission from the higher-ups." The guard said with a sigh.

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