Chapter 5

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Okay, I know it has only been about two days since I updated this story, but I couldn't stop and had to keep writing with Chapter 5!

I know you'll enjoy this chapter. I was told it was pretty funny.

The only reason this one is getting updated the most is that this is the only one in my head at the moment.

So without further ado, On with the show!

"And down on the event grounds, the battle is about to begin! That first match of Day One! Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia! Verses! Raven Tail's Flare Corona!" Chapati announced.

Laxus looked at the seemingly sweet yet mischievous smile that the blonde celestial mage had on her face. To say he was a bit terrified of her at the moment would be an understatement. He took a step back as he held his hands up in surrender.

"Lucy." Laxus said cautiously.

The others watched in amusement as the big strong, lightning dragon slayer backed away from the sweet and kind celestial mage. To say it was an amusing sight would be a lie.

"Laxus." Lucy said sweetly, making him take another step back. "Could you take me to the battlefield, please?" Lucy asked as she batted her eyelashes at him while she gave him, in his opinion, a deadly yet adorable pout that he had the hardest time trying to deny.

After what seemed like forever, Laxus sighed in defeat as his body sagged. He couldn't turn the girl down, not with her giving him that look. He knew he was definitely doomed as long as he was around her.

"All right." Laxus relented. He held out his arm for her to grab onto. "Let's go. She's already on the battlefield." Laxus said.

Lucy smiled happily as she clapped her hands together in a giddy manner. She would never tell anyone, but she really enjoyed his lightning teleport. She practically bounced over to him and hugged his arm.

"Oh my." Mira giggled as she watched the blondes.

"Umm. Maybe Lucy Heartfilia is backing out of the fight?" Chapati asked, looking around, not seeing the blonde anywhere.

"I doubt that. If memory serves, she's not one to turn down a fight." Mr. Yajima stated.

Makarov glared at the battlefield as the red-haired Raven Tail member walked onto the battlefield. She has a creepy smile and an evil look on her face. At that moment, he remembered Lucy's warning about Asuka. He turned his face into his normally happy face as he turned to face the tiny girl.

"Asuka, my dear, would you like to sit up here with me to watch our dear Lucy?" Makarov asked.

"Yeah!" Asuka cheered as she held her arms up.

Makarov smiled as he picked her up and placed her in his lap, still smiling even though he was worried on the inside. Alzack and Bisca both looked at each other before shrugging and going back to looking at the battlefield.

"Sixth master?" Mavis called out to him, motioning to the girl in his lap.

Makarov shook his head before smiling at the tiny girl. Mavis knew better than to ask again after seeing the look on his face, so she dropped it for now.

"Where's Lucy? Is she chickening out?" Natsu asked, annoyed.

"Give her time, Natsu. She needs to be prepared, especially since she's going against one of Ivan's rats." Makarov said as he fought hard not to grit his teeth while holding Asuka.

Just after Mr. Yajima's comment was spoken, a clap of thunder resounded around the arena, causing everyone to jump and look around. Makarov looked above with narrowed eyes as a flash of lightning flew across the sky. Just then, a giant bolt of lightning landed not far before Flare, causing her to jump back. Makarov's eyes widened as he watched Laxus' form appear out of the lightning.

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