Chapter 10

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All right, Let's start the New Year off with an update of one of your favorite stories!

This is Because Of A Dream, Chapter 10!

I hope you enjoy it!

Now, On with the show!

The mist covered the area around her feet. There was nothing but endless darkness. It felt cold and barren. White flakes started to fall around her.

"Snow?" Lucy whispered to herself as she lifted her palm to catch a flake.

It wasn't snow. It was ash.

She looked in horror as rubble and ashes started to form around her.

"This is what awaits you." A familiar voice echoed.

Lucy sighed. "What do you mean?! I've changed everything! What more do you want from me?!" Lucy shouted with a cry.

If she was being honest, she was getting really tired of this. What more could she do to change what was to come?

"You need to win the game tomorrow." The voice said from behind her.

Lucy turned to see her dream self standing there with her hood down. It used to freak her out to see herself talking to her. She just assumed now she was used to it. That's why it wasn't bothering her like it used to.

This time though, blood was running down her dream self's face. Her one eye was gray and faded. Her hair was cut jagged and short to her ears. Her right arm was still missing. It seemed she couldn't change that part.

Lucy sighed and decided to ignore the appearance. "I know that. But what if I can't?" Lucy asked, sounding helpless.

"You have to! If you don't..." Dream Lucy started but trailed off as she gritted her teeth.

"This Sabertooth girl is too strong for me. From what you showed me, Erza was barely able to defeat her. What makes you think I can?" Lucy asked stubbornly.

"I don't know. But I know you're smarter than you think you are! Please, you need to win!" Dream Lucy pleaded.

Lucy sighed as she rubbed her temples. "I..." Lucy started before she sighed again. "I may have a plan. But it's still risky, and I'm unsure if it'll even work." Lucy explained.

"What's your plan?" Dream Lucy asked because she could think of none.

Lucy shook her head. "No. We'll both know it was right if I can actually pull this off." Lucy said.

"You don't trust me?" Dream Lucy asked.

"How do I know you're who you claim to be? This could be a trick for all I know. Everyone's lives are in my hands. And I don't want to risk any of them." Lucy said, throwing her arms out at her sides. "Seriously! This is the exact definition of having the weight of the world on your shoulders! It's too much." Lucy exclaimed before letting out a sob. "It's just too much. I can't do this." Lucy said, falling to her knees as she covered her face with her hands.

"I know what I'm asking is a lot. Especially for one person to take on themselves. But that's why I said to get Jellal and Laxus involved so you wouldn't have to take this on yourself." Dream Lucy argued.

"And I did. But what you haven't considered is that Laxus and Jellal are pretty much strangers to me. Yes, Laxus and I are in the same guild, but we don't normally have too much contact with each other. And Jellal... Well, he's more into Erza and a criminal that Fairy Tail is harboring at the moment." Lucy explained as she calmed herself down, letting her hands rest in her lap.

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