Chapter 8

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Here is the next chapter!

Sorry for the wait!

And thankfully, this chapter is on the longer side.

It's mainly a filler chapter.

But I hope you enjoy it!

"Someone who is trying to destroy the world." Lucy stated before continuing to where Laxus sat.

Makarov watched from on top of the bar as the blonde walked away from the newcomer. The words that were spoken surprised him but not enough to panic. It seemed Lucy had it under control. Or at least she looked like she did on the outside. He noticed that she tended to hide behind Laxus or Jellal when things overwhelmed her. And from the looks of it, that's what she was doing now.

Lucy walked back over to Laxus and sat down next to him. She crossed her arms on the table and rested her chin on them. Laxus watched her movements and sat up straighter trying to cover the girl with his size. He knew Lucy wanted to hide so she could think. He could practically see the gears in her head moving over time. He knew the only thing that could get her to calm down was a distraction.

Laxus sighed. "So, what's tomorrow about?" Laxus asked.

"It's called Pandemonium." Lucy said, still in thought.

"Pandemonium? What's that about?" Laxus asked.

"Short answer, it's a tower filled with a hundred monsters. Each team picks someone for it, and you pick how many monsters, and if you defeat that many, you get the point for each one, the team with the most points obviously wins, and so on." Lucy explained.

"Who was originally in it?" Laxus asked as Mira and Gajeel approached.

"Erza and Cana." Lucy said absentmindedly.

Mira and Gajeel stopped with wide eyes. Mira mouthed, 'Erza?' with a raised eyebrow and tilted her head. Laxus shook his head, warning her to stay quiet.

"How did it go with them?" Laxus asked.

Lucy smirked with a small snort. "Erza took on all one hundred monsters. And, of course, she won. Cana destroyed the MPF with Fairy Glitter." Lucy explained.

"MPF?" Laxus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Magic Power finder." Lucy answered.

Laxus nodded and shrugged. "Okay, since neither of them is in it, who would you say should go in?" Laxus asked.

Lucy looked in a daze as she stared at the wall. "Mira. She's on the same level as Erza. She could take them all out easily. I mean, if Erza can, Mira definitely could." Lucy said as she tapped her fingers on the table in thought.

Laxus smirked. "You're saying I couldn't?" Laxus asked.

Lucy shook her head. "Like Erza, Mira can use different types of Magic. You have one element and one magic, which won't hurt or damage every creature. Mira, on the other hand, can. Her different Demon forms are like Erza's different armors." Lucy said with a shrug.

Laxus nodded. "Makes sense. I can see how Gajeel and I wouldn't be best for it. What about Mystogan?" Laxus asked with a smirk as Jellal glared at him.

"I admit he could use the different magics. But we can't risk him using his own magic. If possible, I would like to avoid using him in any of the games." Lucy said, still staring at the wall.

"What about you?" Laxus asked.

Lucy snorted and turned her head to look at him. "You're delusional if you think I could." Lucy stated.

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