I'm Not Like Them

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Colton-"Don't you understand coach I am not like my brothers!"

Jack-"I understand Colt, I know you feel the pressure, but just this week please fill in while Brody isn't here, just for practice".

Colton-"Coach I don't wanna play defense, make Drake do it". (walks away)

Drake-"Coach I don't mind, please don't make him even madder than he already is with the whole JJ thing".

Jack-(sighs) "That's still going on?"

Finn-"They're talking, but not like they use to".

Jack-"Alright well that's it for today guys see you tomorrow".

They head to the lockerooms and change Colton already went home when he got home he took a shower then changed after he changed he layed in his bed

Connie-(comes in) "Coach called he told me what happend".

Colton-"I hate him!"(starts to cry)

Connie-(hugs him) "Hun I know he didn't mean to say those things".

Colton-"Then why hasn't he apologized". (sniffles)

Connie-"You two really need to talk when we head to Houston okay".

Colton-"He's my best friend mom". (starts to cry again)

Connie-"I know hunny, that's why all of us don't like the fact that you two are fighting". (rubs his back)

Colton-"I mean don't get me wrong I love TJ and Derek, but he's the reason why all of us started to play football in the first place".

Connie-"Do you want to call him?"

Colton-"Not right now mom, I gotta finish up some home work, maybe I'll text him later".

Connie-"Alright hun, let me know if you need anything, I'm gonna start dinner".

After Connie leaves the room Colton starts his home work, once he is done he goes back to lay down on his bed for a bit, Connie tells him dinner is done and he goes downstairs, once dinner is done he heads back upstairs for the rest of the night

John-"Jack texted me and told me what happend at practice".

Connie-"I know, Stacy texted me the same thing, Brody is gone for a couple days so Jack thought maybe Colt would want to run some defense".

John-"I think the only time he has played defense was pewee".

Connie-"We go to Houston in a couple weeks, hopefully those two talk".

John-"Out of the three he is the closet to JJ, I mean heck J made him his best man along with Derek and TJ".

They talk some more, up in his room Colton is working on his art project when his phone rings

Colton-(sniffles) "Hello?"

TJ-"What's wrong buddy?"

Colton-"Mom texted you?"

TJ-"Yeah she did, listen bud non of this is going to get better if you don't talk to J".

Colton-"I know T, it's already hard enough that we are talking, but haven't talked about what happend".

TJ-"Well you guys are going to Houston in a couple weeks so hopefully you two talk then, oh also what's wrong with defense?"

Colton-(laughs) "That's all you and JJ".

TJ-"Alright buddy I'm gonna go love you".

Colton-"Love ya too".

After they hang up Colton finishes up what he's doing then goes to bed, in Houston JJ is reading the text from his mom and TJ

Brian-"What's up dude?"

JJ-"Colt had a breakdown today at football and home". (sighs and shows him phone)

Brian-"Hey what's wrong with defense?" (laughs)

JJ-"I just wish they could get here sooner so I can talk to him, he's literally my baby brother and best friend, I don't know why I said that stuff to him, I never was like that with TJ or Derek".

Brian-"Maybe it's because someone doesn't want their baby brother to grow up just yet?"

JJ-"I can't believe he's eighteen now". (sighs)

Brian-"Dude I remember the first time meeting him, he was only ten".

Flashback (oh yeah this has some flashbacks lol)

Colton-"Where is he?"

TJ-"Calm down buddy he'll be here any second". (ruffles his hair)

Derek-"You excited little dude?"

Colton-"Yes it's been forever!"

Connie-(laughs) "He's right about that".

JJ-(walks in) "Where is he?"

Colton-"JJ!" (runs to him)

JJ-(picks him up) "Hi buddy".

Colton-(hugs him tight) "Missed you".

JJ-"I missed you too baby bro".

He hugs his parents and TJ then Derek, he carries Colton throughout the facilty till they get to the practice bubble

Brian-"Is this them J?"

JJ-"Yep sure is".


Brian-"Hey little man you must be Colton?" (high fives him)


JJs teammates meets Colton and the rest of the family, after they were done with practice JJ took them to his house

JJ-"Colton you want something to eat?"

Colton-"No I'll just have my juice". (drinks his juice)

TJ-"This is a nice house J".

Derek-"The pool is cool".

Connie-"Colt do you wanna go swimming?"


They head over to the couch and see that Colton fell asleep

JJ-(laughs) "I'll take him up to my room to sleeo for a bit". (picks Colton up)

Once JJ lays Colton down in the bed he covers him up

Colton-"Can you stay?" (mumbles)

JJ-(gets in the bed) "Love you".

Colton-"Love you buster". (goes back to sleep)

End of flashback

Brian-"Hey does he still call you buster?"

JJ-"Not after our fight".

They talk some more Brian heads home then JJ goes the bed after he tweets

JJWatt-"The next couple weeks can't come soon enough, can't wait to see CJWatt19 and the folks".

CJWatt19 replied "Can't wait either J, now stop tweeting so I can sleep lol".

After that Colton went to bed and so did JJ

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