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Ankit and Niladri were the well known couple in the school. They were dating each other since they were in class fourth. For the last six years they were the symbol of love for their classmates. When Ankit and Niladri became friends five years ago, they were in the same section and used to sit together. It could be said that their class teacher set them up together.

When the class teacher made the sitting arrangements he put Ankit and Niladri together on a desk. They became friends in no time and their puppy love started shortly after. In class sixth they were separated as they were sent to two different sections. That separation did not break the bond they were sharing for two years. They were in class sixth and were big enough to call each other or to send messages. They met during the lunch break almost every day but never talked much at that time. Their relationship became like a long distance relationship when the COVID-19 started.

They did not meet for two long years. At the beginning of the lock down they were chatting and calling each other every day. Later Ankit's parents restricted him to use the phone. Ankit and Niladri were unable to talk to each other. But they still loved and longed for each other.

Then the school reopened and they found themselves in same section again. Niladri was excited to know that he could sit beside Ankit and see him for a long time during the school hours.

Himadri pulled Niladri to a corner and said, "Hey lover boy! You seem very happy. Is there any development in your relationship with Ankit?"

"I am so glad that we are still together and now I can see him all day long. We would experience everything together from now on. I would never let him go away from me." Niladri was beaming with happiness.

"Your ship is sailing well. I don't know when I would get a person who would love me as you love Ankit."

"I hope you get someone soon," said Niladri.

Ankit was not happy like Niladri. Swastik asked him, "What happened buddy? Are you not happy to be with Niladri?"

"I am happy," replied Ankit. "I love him and I want to continue our relationship. But....."

"What are you hesitating for?" asked Swastik.

"You know it was better before when we were in different sections. I feel shy around him. How would I answer teacher's questions when he is looking at me?" Ankit shared his trouble with his friend.

"You have to overcome your shyness if you are going to spend your life with him," suggested Swastik.

"I am not good in studies like him. If the teacher scolds me or punishes me I would lose my face in front of him. He may not like me after that. What would I do then?"

"You are over thinking everything," said Swastik. "Niladri really likes you. Why would he stop liking you suddenly?"

"I would request the teachers to change my section," said Ankit.

Niladri noticed that Ankit was not responding to him as he had expected. He thought they would become closer after they came to same section after a long separation. But Ankit had totally changed; he was no longer the Ankit he used to be. The Ankit he knew laughed at his silly jokes and always wanted to stay with him. He was possessive about him too.

The new Ankit was not interested in his jokes or his gossips. He seldom replied to his questions too. Niladri tried to talk to him about that matter but Ankit did not let him discuss anything.

In a couple of days the class teacher said, "Ankit, as per your request, you are allowed to change your section. You can go to section B from today onward. Go there and enroll your name in section B. Is it okay?"

"Yes sir. It is fine. Thank you," replied Ankit.

"Then I am going to remove your name from this section," said the class teacher.

Ankit took his bag and walked out of the class room. He did not even look at Niladri for once. Niladri was dumbfounded, he did not expect that. Himadri patted Niladri's shoulder twice. Niladri came out of his daze and looked down at his book.

"What are you going to do?" asked Himadri during the lunch break.

"There is nothing I can do. Our relationship ends here for good," replied Niladri.