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Swastik and Ankit were best friends but their characters were way too different from each other. Swastik was introvert and soft in nature while Ankit was extrovert and smart. Although he was in class ten, Swastik was oblivious about the things between man and woman. Ankit, on the other hand had great interest in those types of things.

The problem was that Swastik did not know anything and his mother was very strict. Every friend of Swastik was afraid of her and never dared to discuss anything mature to Swastik. Ankit was a little bit naughty, he wanted to make Swastik like himself but Swastik was too dense to understand those things.

When the boys of their class talked about love and sex, Swastik could not understand anything. When other boys laughed over some dual meaning words, he just laughed along with others. His classmates knew that he would not understand anything; therefore they never tried to explain anything to him. Few boys have girlfriends and they shared their experiences of romantic encounters.

Swastik was studious, he always kept reading books. His friends used to call him 'book worm'. Ankit often said, "Swastik, why do you always read? You would go crazy if you keep doing this."

But Swastik never bothered to put down his book and look around. He did the same thing in the coaching center too. He never looked at others, never participated in any fun conversations.

One day Ankit asked, "Why does he look at you?"

They were sitting in the classroom in the coaching center. The teacher was explaining an English poem. Swastik looked everywhere but no one was looking at him. He looked down at his book and concentrated on the poem. The teacher asked questions and he replied correctly. The teacher continued to explain the related questions.

Ankit said, "Look, he is staring at you again."

Swastik did not know what the meaning of that was. He said, "I did not see anyone staring at me except you. Stop looking around and listen to the teacher."

Next day Ankit said the same things again but Swastik could not find the person looking at him. After the class Ankit asked to him, "Did you notice him?"

"No one was staring at me. Why would they? Your mind is full of shit," said Swastik.

"Believe me the boy with the blue check shirt looks at you often," said Ankit.

"I don't know him."

"I will show the boy to you tomorrow. Then you can check it yourself," Ankit said.

Next day Swastik finally noticed that the boy really took glances of him. But whenever his eyes met with Swastik's, he looked away. Swastik watched him for one week before finally believing that the boy was really watching him.

"Now leave everything to me," said Ankit.

"What would you do? Don't do anything silly," said Swastik.

"I would only ask him about that. Nothing else," Ankit assured.

He did what he promised. But the boy did not answer. Swastik hanged his backpack and went away leaving the matter on Ankit. Ankit set them together the next day. Swastik had no idea how, but he found himself dating that boy.

After getting a boyfriend, Swastik felt immensely happy. There was something bubbling in his heart and he was eager to meet that boy. His name was Niladri. Whenever Swastik looked at the face of Niladri, he became mesmerized.

All of his classmates talked about pursuing girls and boys. He never thought that he would get a boyfriend without doing anything. He felt lucky to have a good looking boyfriend like Niladri. He always waited for the time when he could see his loving boyfriend.

"Don't you think we should kiss?" asked Niladri one day.

"Yes we should, as we love each other," replied Swastik nervously.

"Then let's do it," suggested Niladri.

"Let's go behind that tree. We can't do it on the road," said Swastik.

They went behind the tree and looked everywhere. There was no one there. Swastik slowly brought his face to Niladri's face and took a deep breath before kissing his cheek.

Niladri's face was a little bit red as he waited for the kiss. But he was disappointed by the kiss.

"Aren't we dating?" he asked.

"Yes. But why did you ask?"

"Shouldn't we kiss on lips?" Niladri asked again.

"Huh?" Swastik was dumbfounded by Niladri's words and could not react before Niladri kissed him on his lips. His body froze as Niladri pushed his tongue inside his mouth and sucked his lips. Swastik's body reacted immediately. He could not forget about the kiss even after hours.

Their love was going well and Swastik was on cloud nine. But it was soon reported by someone to Niladri's father. Niladri's father did not let him step out of the house for a month and later he found a home tutor for him. Swastik could not meet him again after that.

Swastik's parents came to know about his relationship with Niladri and scolded him. They warned him and asked him to not to date any boy ever again. But they did not put him under house arrest as they knew that Niladri was under house arrest. Swastik was scared by his mothers scolding and did not dare to go to Niladri's house.

Next year Swastik's parents sent him to his uncle's home to study in another school.