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Swastik and Ankit were best friends from childhood. They were neighbours and they went to the same school. They did everything together and never fought with each other for anything. They even shared their mothers' love with each other and never felt jealous about that. People called them 'Ram- Lakshman' for their brotherhood. Their parents were proud of them too. They had no doubt that in case of any danger both the children would save each other even if they have to risk their own lives.

Things started changing bit by bit when Himadri came to their school. Himadri came from a different city and had excellent qualities. He had good looks, good grades and good manners. Teachers as well as students liked him. Swastik and Ankit liked him too. But their liking was a little bit different from others. They both wanted to date Himadri.

Swastik and Ankit used to go school together by their cycles. Previously they used to walk lazily to their classroom because classroom was not the place they wanted to be. After Himadri came, they started racing to the classroom. They both wanted to sit beside Himadri. But many other students also wanted to sit beside him. Therefore only racing against each other was not enough. Swastik and Ankit tried their best to reach the classroom before everyone else.

The best thing was that Himadri always sat on a fixed place. It was fixed by the class teacher. But the worst thing was that the seat was just in front of the teacher. Swastik and Ankit were back benchers before Himadri came to their school. They had not much interest in studies. All of a sudden they started enjoying studies and the front row seat felt like heaven to them.

The luckiest person got the seat and got the chance to stay with Himadri the whole day long. But the other person never gave up; he reached there as soon as the teacher left the room. They both tried to impress Himadri by bragging about their talents.

Ankit used to show his biceps and triceps to impress Himadri.

"I worked out for three hours last evening," said Ankit.

"When did you study then?" asked Himadri.

"I studied after dinner," replied Ankit.

"Do you work out every day?"

"Yes. I am building abs."

"Where do you get that much time?

"I manage," replied Ankit.

Swastik had talent in origami; he showed off new origami every day.

"This is a dragon," Swastik said. "It is a little bit difficult than the last one."

"It's wonderful," Himadri complimented.

"I can show you more, if you come to my home."

"I can't go," Himadri said.

"No problem. I can go to your home," Swastik said eagerly.

"There is no need. You are showing me new origami every day. That's so sweet of you. I can't bother you further."

"I can teach you origami."

"Thank you. I will learn it later," said Himadri.

A few days later during the lunch break Himadri was reading a book after finishing his lunch. He was a little bit surprised and happy to notice that Swastik and Ankit were not there to bother him. After a little while, two boys came running to him.

"They are fighting over you," they said.

"Who are fighting?" Himadri asked.

"Swastik and Ankit are fighting on the ground. They were talking about you," one boy said.

"Why?" Himadri had no idea what was going on.

"Are you dating Swastik?" the other boy asked.

"What nonsense are you talking?" Himadri asked back.

"Then who is your boyfriend? Ankit?" they asked.

"I have no boyfriends. I am not interested in any of them," Himadri said.

"Himadri, please go there and stop them," they requested.

"I won't go. Let them fight," said Himadri.

Those boys returned to the ground. Many other students were there too. Swastik and Ankit had enough of verbal war. Suddenly Ankit pushed Swastik and he staggered backward.

Swastik roared, "Baap se panga?" and jumped on Ankit.

Teachers separated them and brought them to teachers' room. They both needed some first-aid. After that they both were punished for fighting. No one could found any fault of Himadri. Therefore he was spared. Swastik and Ankit were sent to two different sections after that incident.