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It was a normal boring day at school. Mr. Prem was checking the notebooks of students. Many students were gathered around the teacher's table. Swastik and Ankit were sitting on their desk as their notebooks were already checked. Ankit looked outside the door and Swastik followed his eyes. Mr. Vipul was walking through the corridor. Both the boys instantly went back the memory lane together.

They were in class sixth at that time. Mr. Vipul used to teach them Hindi. He was handsome and his handsomeness did not change in these three years. Mr. Vipul was responsible to teach Hindi from class sixth to eighth. The students of class sixth instantly liked his easygoing personality and easy teaching style.

Ankit used to hate Hindi until he attended Mr. Vipul's class. He started taking interest in Hindi and became the greatest admirer of Mr. Vipul. He started going to school only to see Mr. Vipul. Every day he did his Hindi homework and always learned his Hindi lessons properly while he rarely bothered about other subjects. Gradually his admiration changed into liking.

He expressed his feelings to his best friend Swastik, who was surprised and excited as well.

"Do you really like him that way?" asked Swastik.

"Yes. I want to marry him," replied Ankit.

"Isn't he already married?" asked Swastik.

"So what if he is married now. I can't marry him now anyways. Let him stay with his wife for now. Later I would replace her," said Ankit confidently.

"How would you do it?" asked Swastik curiously.

"I will show him my sincerity. No one would love him more than I do. After realizing my love he would be unable to refuse me," said Ankit.

"I have no experience in love. Do you have any?" asked Swastik.

"No experience is needed in love. You only have to pray wholeheartedly and the universe would act together to help you get your love," replied Ankit.

"Where did you know that from?" asked Swastik.

"I knew it from romantic movies. I have watched many of them," Ankit replied proudly.

Their other best friend Lavyansh was absent from school that day. He was surprised to know about that matter next day.

"But you both are boys. How would you marry each other?" asked Lavyansh suspiciously.

"You don't know anything. You don't even watch news channels. Many boys are marrying boys now-a-days. Even girls are marrying girls. One girl married herself recently. Why can't I marry Mr. Vipul?" asked Ankit.

Lavyansh did not accept defeat that easily. He said, "But he is our teacher. Who marry their teachers?"

"Many people do," replied Ankit.

"How will you express your feeling to him? What if he refuses?" asked Lavyansh.

"I have a way. You just wait and watch," said Ankit.

"Don't you do anything daring," warned Swastik. "He may punish you heavily."

Next day the School coordinator came to their classroom.

"Who is Ankit?" asked the School coordinator.

Ankit stood up.

"It's you? What did you write in this note?" asked the coordinator.

Ankit did not reply.

"It says, 'I am Ankit from class sixth A. I sincerely love you Mr. Vipul. Will you marry me?' Did you write it?" asked the coordinator.

The whole class gasped in astonishment. Swastik and Lavyansh were scared for their friend. But Ankit was fearless. He replied, "Yes sir."

Mr. coordinator looked at him for a moment and then said, "Come with me."

He walked out of the classroom and Ankit followed him.

"You are too young for this," said the Co-ordinator. "You should not do these kinds of things in school. You should concentrate in your studies. Mr. Vipul is your teacher, you should show him respect."

"I do respect him, sir," said Ankit. "And I like him too."

"To like him, you should be good enough for him. Do you think you are qualified enough for him? He has degrees, a respectful job with good salary and a good character. First study well and be someone, then you can think about marrying him. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. I will study well," said Ankit.

"That's like a good boy. Until then don't write letters to him or anyone else."

"Okay sir," Ankit replied.

They returned to the present as the bell rang. Mr. Prem took his leave after that.

Swastik asked, "Do you still like him?"

"I do," said Ankit with a smile. "But now I know that I would never get the chance to marry him. But he would always be my first love. "

"You were too bold that time. I was scared for you," Swastik said and laughed lightly.

"I was immature. I thought I was doing the right thing. Lavyansh was so mad at me."

They both looked at Lavyansh, who was seated at the opposite side of the room. He was mad to see that his best friends were laughing without him. He glared at them. He wanted to join them but Mr. Puneet was already there for the next period. Lavyansh gritted his teeth and muttered, "They dared to laugh without me."