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Himadri walked in the coaching class with a badass style. He was wearing a fluorescent orange coloured jacket and a pair of black jeans. He kept rotating the key ring of his bike around his index finger. His gaze stopped on Ankit and Niladri, who were sitting close and gossiping.

He walked to them in style and asked them to make a room in between them. They both refused to do so as they were gossiping about some hot topic.

Himadri said in full filmy style, "Baap se panga?"

Ankit and Niladri turned back and faced him.

Ankit asked in confusion, "Who is whose dad?"

"Not your dad, babe," Himadri replied. "I was reminding him," he gestured towards Niladri, "who is the 'baap' here."

Himadri winked and Niladri changed his attitude. "You want to sit here? Come, I made room for you," he said.

Therefore Himadri in full swag seated between them. Niladri turned his face to other side and muttered, "Bkl...."

It was all acts as Himadri was trying to pick Ankit up. Ankit once said that he was a perfectly straight person; he would never be attracted to any boy. Himadri was in a mission to prove him wrong and Niladri was just helping him in that mission.

"Why did you call me as 'babe'?" asked Ankit.

"What should I call you then?" Himadri asked back.

"You can call me by my name."

"Okay, I will call you 'bro'," Himadri said innocently. Ankit did not object.

HImadri wrapped his hands around Ankit's shoulder and said, "Bro, you are the best."

Ankit felt uncomfortable but could not express his feelings.

Himadri turned towards Niladri and said, "Let's go to that food joint this evening, where we went last week."

"Okay," said Niladri.

"Bro, you should go with us too," Himadri said to Ankit.

"I can't go," said Ankit.

"Please, go with us. I will treat you today. It would not take long." Himadri tried to convince Ankit.

"Let me think about it," replied Ankit.

The classes ended fifteen minutes earlier that day. Ankit had no reason to refuse Himadri's invitation. He sat between Himadri and Niladri on Himadri's bike. The next thirty minutes were fun and Ankit enjoyed every minute of them.

Himadri started picking up Ankit before going to coaching class. After the class ended he dropped him home as well. Ankit's mother was always worried about his studies. She did not want Ankit to waste time with girlfriends. She was relieved as Ankit started coming home earlier than before. Seeing him with his male friends her peace of mind increased. Ankit had not many friends. His mother was happy that he finally got friends.

She had no idea that what she took as an innocent friendship was actually a trap. Ankit could not see it as well. He was falling deeply for Himadri. He believed that Himadri liked him too. Ankit's initial discomfort had long vanished. He felt good when Himadri touched him. He hoped for more.

Himadri suddenly stopped caring about Ankit. Ankit was puzzled by his behavior. Himadri did not pick him up from his home that day. When Ankit finally reached the coaching center he saw Himadri and Niladri were sitting with Neeraj, talking to him attentively. Ankit wanted to know what was the meaning of all these. But he did not act on impulse.

He just tried to behave like nothing happened at all. Although he was burning from inside, he kept his cool outside. Himadri behaved like nothing had happened. Ankit talked to Himadri casually when they came face to face. But he never stopped observing Himadri and Niladri's actions. He asked his friend Swastik to investigate the matter. Swastik was popular among the boys of his class. Within one week he presented the results in front of Ankit.

The care Ankit got from Himadri was a part of his play. Himadri liked to bet with his friend Niladri about picking up pretty boys. He did it earlier too. His previous target was Ankit. After successfully bewitching Ankit, Himadri was in a new mission. His new target was Neeraj.

Ankit hesitated before disclosing everything to Neeraj. But the damage was already done by that time. Neeraj was an easy prey for Himadri, as he was not as cautious as Ankit. Neeraj confronted Himadri about that matter.

Himadri said, "Did I ever say that I like you?"

"No, but you behaved like you do," replied Neeraj.

"You misunderstood the situation. I like you as a friend or brother, there is nothing romantic about that. I like girls and I have a girlfriend," said Himadri.

"Then why did you take special care of me?" asked Neeraj.

"I did nothing special, I treat everyone like that. You can ask Niladri."

Niladri agreed with Himadri. Neeraj knew that it was useless to argue with those two friends.