Felix - Pain

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The talk with Charli bothers me. Why did he go to her house in the first place?

"Yeah, I was at her house and I asked her but she friend-zoned me," Charli says in the flashback.

"What girl did you get friend-zoned by?"

The frizzy--haired girl might be--I shake her out of my head.

I call Maria, but no answer. I've called for three days, now but she hasn't picked up or called any of us lately. I even asked Donnie!

I'm really starting to feel worried about her, so I walk. After my walk, I take Donnie, Alaska, and Adrian out for ice cream and the skating rink that's right by her neighborhood. I tell Adrian to watch the two.

I knock on her door. I see people carry her things out.

"What?! Put that back! That's hers!"

The officer says, "I'm just doin' my job."

"Oh yeah and what's that?!"

"Carry dead people's things, now go home and get lost!"

"Wait...what? No, no, no, no, no. That's...this isn't...NO! NO! NO! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" I kneel beside her body covered in plastic. Pain and total darkness is what I feel. Total darkness.

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