Indie - California

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"Palm trees are everywhere!" I say looking up at the cloudless sky blue sky. The sky is so blue! Felix and I go to a carnival right across the street from the condo we've lived in for three days!

"I'm gonna win this for you, babe!"

I smile, "You better!"

He gives me a stuffed seal.

"Aww, it's so cute!"

I kiss the seal then I kiss him. "What are you gonna name her?"

"I don't know...Marylynn?"

"So freggen cute," I say. "Let's go back before they freak out."

"Wait, can we go skinny dipping?"

I look at the empty beach, "Sure, if it's open."

"Okay." I let him go first.

"But we don't have any clothes for swimming," I say.

"Just use the clothes you have on your back."

I shrug, "Smart thinking."

"Thanks." I sits in the sand kicking my feet in the lake. He take his shirt off and my shorts.

He looks at me as if I'm a magical creature. He takes his shirt off and his pants revealing his glistening skin. He wraps his arms around me. "I love you, Indie."

"I love you, too."

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