The End of Us

20 1 14

I burst through the door, tears running down my face and Harry following behind me

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I burst through the door, tears running down my face and Harry following behind me. I stomp over to the closet and grab a bag, stuffing clothes in it, my mind blank with frustration.

Once the bag is full, I turn around and walk away, pushing Harry out of my way, never looking at him.

He chases me down the stairs and out the door. I see Carter filming in the corner of my eye but I ignore him. Finally, Harry catches up with me and grabs my wrist.

"Don't touch me," I say, looking him in the eyes with a threatening expression on my face, trying to get my wrist out of his grasp but his grip is too tight.

"Ashley, please," he pleads. "Just let me expla-"

I swing my bag around and hit him across the face with it, his hands immediately going to his nose. Once my wrist is free, I take the opportunity to run to my car and drive away. I try not to look back, but I can't help it. When I look back, I see Harry standing with a bloody nose at the end of our driveway when Carter says something that makes him punch him across the face before stomping back inside.

As I drive off, I realize this is the end. The end of us, the end of the band, the end of everything I've ever known. I then realize I have nowhere to go. No family, I can't go to any of the boys' houses- just then, I remember that there is someone here I can trust, I just need to find their address.

I pull off into a gas station parking lot scrolling through my contacts, finally finding the person I need. Before I drive away, I jog into the store and get a pack of cigarettes, knowing I'll need them later.

As soon as I pull into their driveway, I pause for a moment, contemplating whether or not this is a good idea and knowing how mad Harry will be if he finds out.

I jump out of the car and walk towards the giant wooden door and knock three times. As soon as I knock, tears start to swell in my eyes, realizing there's no turning back now.

When the door opens, I was greeted with dark brown eyes and a comforting smile. The smile disappearing when he realized I wasn't okay.

It's silent between us for a moment before I run into him, wrapping my arms around his chest as the tears fall from my eyes.

"Ashley," he starts saying, his smooth accent being music to my ears. "Is everything okay?"

I shake my head quickly as he wraps his arms around my shoulders, rubbing my back. I see the flash of a camera through my teary eyes. I bury my face closer into his chest, trying to make sure the paparazzi see my face.

"Do you wanna come in?" he asks, leaning down to whisper into my ear. I nod slowly, as he moves behind me and places a hand on the small of my back leading me into his house, flipping the paparazzi before closing the door.

I stand in the foyer, my mind blank, knowing there will be photos of him and I hugging tomorrow morning. He moves around to stand in front of me, leaning down so I can see him clearly, waiting for me to explain what all this is about.

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