Which would you prefer Thin Feel Or Extra Safe?

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I woke up groaning and dreading what was to come. I rubbed my eyes and thought of all the possible excuses I could use to not go. Sorry Jess but every girl for herself. My mom knocked on the door very loudly and made me and Jess jump a little. We didn't dare to move or say a word. She knocked again but even louder. This time she didn't knock and just barged into the room. We both groaned in unison and said "I'm sick." I glared over to Jess and she did the same.

"No I'm sick!" We both said again in unison. "No I am!" We both said.

"Girls, stop fighting. I know you're both not sick and are just pretending. Girls your safety and protection is very important so we are going no matter what." She said. We both groaned and I begrudgingly got of bed and took a shower first then Jess. I put on denim jeans and a pink tank top with some flip flops. It may have been only 11:00 a.m but the sun was shining almost at full blast and I was roasting already. To finish my outfit off I did a messy bun. Jess wore a black t-shirt that said 'YOLO' on it with some denim shorts and flip flops with a messy ponytail. Jess's black hair really suited what she was wearing and made her look beautiful even in something so simple. Me and my blonde hair did suit the outfit well enough and I looked ok.

We had breakfast and soon were out the door to the pharmacy. We reached our destination 5 minutes later. I trudged the rest of the way behind my mom so did Jess all the way to the right isle which had tampons and tampax on one side and protections on the other.

"Condoms." My mom read out at the top of this section of the isle a little too loud.

"Mom! Can you keep your voice down!?" I hissed. Jess was slowly backing away trying to pretend she wasn't with us. "Not so fast Jess. If I have to go through this then so do you." I scowled her to come back next to me. She did so.

"Do any of you girls see where the Durex protection is?" We shook our heads, mortified. "Aha! There it is." She said thrilled, I don't understand why she was so happy though, because I was mortified and so was Jess. She scanned all the different types of condoms. "Would you prefer Thin Feel or Extra Safe? Thin feel on one hand is very thin layered and you can enjoy having sex while being protected and barely feel it at all. Extra Safe-" I couldn't let her continue

"Can I read it instead?" Deciding that was the best option. She handed me over the Thin feel one and just as I was about to read it I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Charlie? Why are you holding condoms in your hand?" Alex asks.

Oh God.

"Uhh. Hi Alex I didn't know you were staying at the same hotel. What are you doing here?" I say going red with utter embarrassment. "I didn't know you were staying here either. And I'd ask you what are you doing here, but I think I already know..." He says looking at the box of condoms in my hand.

"What are you doing here? In the pharmacy, I mean?" I ask again.

"Getting after shave. I'm all out." He finally answers. "I better go. You look busy...." he stares at me in a confused way and finally leaves me to watch him go in embarrassment. I make a mental note to kill my mother later. "Why don't I just tell you what Extra safe specializes. Anyways Extra Safe is overly layered so that your definitely safe, even extra safe. But you can still feel everything it's not like you can't feel the sex." My moms says firstly breaking the silence.

"You know what, why don't we take both, so that if you really want to feel the sex you have just the right condom, and if you're really worried and want to be very safe then you have just the right condom. Two for each of you." She finally decides. She gets the 24 pack Thin Feel and Extra Safe for me and for Jess. "Never know how active you may be." She points out. I stare at her in horror but Jess doesn't do the same. She does a you're-probably-right face which makes me widen my eyes in more horror. Is she actually thinking about getting 'that' active?

"Can I buy these 4 packs of condoms please? You never know how active they may get, you know?" She adds in the last part. I stare in utter embarrassment and this time Jess does the same. We walk back to the room in silence. Me and Jess try to rush as fast as we can to the room when she stops us. "Jessica Smith and Charlotte Miller, sit." She commands. "Look," she begins "I have no problem of you two going around with boys and going to parties. Just don't do anything you don't want to. Don't be pushed into anything even if you have the protection. If you want to go ahead. Just USE the condoms and I don't want anyone coming back to the hotel room saying your pregnant. You have enough protection so no excuse. If you run out then let me know and we'll get some more."

"Is that all?" I ask cringing.

"And be careful. Yes that is all." She finishes. We get up as fast as we can before she can say anything else we go to our rooms sit on our beds and stare at each other. Then the condoms.

"You know I may actually consider getting 'active' now we're aloud to, and have the protection." Jess says first to break the silence.

"You are CRAZY. C-R-A-Z-Y. You hear me!?" I say.

"Come on. Once you get passed the fact of the disgusting part, it does seem kind of fun."

"No. It doesn't." I say flatly.

"Come on. Live a little. Sex isn't that bad."

"No. It isn't."

"I don't know about you but I am now going to make this a mission. To have sex with Thin Feel and Extra Safe." She says mentally making a note in her head.

"Well.... If you're doing it maybe I should too. Since I won't be alone doing it...." I consider.

"There you go." Jess praises me for wanting to have sex. Seriously I should question what kind of friends I have later.

"Ok, fine. I will. But it's going to have to be with someone special."

"Whatever. Wanna look for our possible sex-partners?" Jess asks.

"Ok..." I say a little unsure. Before I could change my mind she grabs my hand and drags me out the door.

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