The Walk On The Beach

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I got up this morning, still yet all happy with me and Alex's relationship. At our date he kept his word and we took a picture of us for my locket. Now, I never like to take off the locket, even in my sleep. Everything is just.... so perfect, you know? I have a boyfriend, me and my best friend are fine, and I have not seen much of Alberto, and when I do see him I quickly run in the other direction. If I saw Alberto again, it would be too soon. And it's the 15th of July today. Everything is going so fast. Soon I'll be leaving at the 29th of August, leaving to college, probably not seeing anymore of Alex. I don't think I'll be able to cope. But I don't like to think about it much. "Hey, Jess." I smile at Jess who was already awake texting on her phone. Funny how it all turned around and she's the one texting early while I wake up. At least I'm not being Moody Margaret. "Hey." She says not turning away from the phone. I get up and say "I'm going to get some fresh air." I put on a grey tank top, and put on a big t-shirt with intriguing designs on it that goes just past my ass.
"You're going outside, in that ugly thing." She says shaking her head.

"Ya, so." I shrug off her disapproving shake.

"Fine. Whatever."

"I'm going down to the beach. I have my phone with me, so text or call if you need me." I say, tiptoeing out the door and walking to the beach. My moms not up yet so I figured I should be quiet. I slowly walk on the beach, appreciating nature, something that I don't do enough. "Boo!" Someone says behind me. I Jump with quite a start and turn around to see who it was. "Halo." Alberto says smiling. I change my face expression to disgust. "Ugh! You." I glare at him and start walking away.
"Hey, how many times do me have to say sorry." He says still, not knowing his English very well.
I stay silent and he continues, "Here, you look a little thirsty." He hands me over a flask, I study the object in my hand.
"It is water." He says. I was pretty thirsty, so I took a sip. I handed him back the flask and sat down on the sand. He sat there next to me. "I'm really sorry." He says sounding sincere. I suddenly, get a pounding headache.
"T-that's ok." I manage to say stuttering. "Are you ok." He says but, was very hard to understand. Something, was horribly wrong. I heard a fuzzy sound of a ding from my phone. "I-it's m-my p-phone." I manage to say slurring my words. Suddenly my eyes started smashing together and opening again, the world started spinning, then it went fuzzy, right before my eyes. I started swaying my body back and forth. Before, I fell down to the floor, I thought 'Shit'.

Authors Note: This was a pretty short chapter. Sorry about that. But you'll love the next, and I promise it will be longer. By the way, I would like to use this moment to praise kirstt_doy 's book is AMAZING! Go check it out her newest book Summertime Madness, trust me you're not wasting your time.

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