The Last Of The Gang

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It was the last day I would spend in Barcelona, Spain. It was a very exciting day, but yet still upsetting. This place was full of so many memories. It was quite a place. I loved it here. More than anything. I loved it here with my best friend, new friend, and boyfriend that I loved. Everything was ready to go. Tomorrow, all we'd have to do was take our suitcases and leave to catch our flight. Jack was leaving tomorrow and so was ALex. Looks like the four amigos would have to say goodbye. Sadly, I was going to miss Jack also. I've learnt to deal with his cocky attitude. Deep down, and I mean deep down he was a funny, sweet, and lovable guy. I was never going to date him, or think of him in that way, I'm just saying he is truly a great friend. Who would of known we would have bonded over this holiday?

Today was going to be a memorable day, want to know why? Because, all four of us were going to hang out, all day today. It was an exciting day. This was going to be a fun day. I woke up early, and yet the sun was looking like it was at full blast. I decided to go out and get some fresh air. I put on my beige cardigan, white tank top, denim shorts, and white converse. I took my phone and put it in my pocket and quietly tiptoed out the hotel room. I went for a stroll on the beach. The beach looked magnificent. It was truly beautiful with the sun at a nice glow. The beach looked better, than I'd ever seen it this holiday. I sat down on the sand and watched the waves. The sun was reflecting on the waves. 'I'm going to miss this place so damn much.' I thought. A tear rolled down my cheek, but this time I let it be. I didn't wipe it off, I just let it stay on my skin. It then kept pouring down. But, I just let them be. They gently rolled down my face. Soon, they dried and I felt refreshed, in a way. I got up and ran back to the hotel room, ready to make some memories.

Jess and I ate breakfast then headed to our room to get dressed. Jess decided to wear a white belly top, high-waisted denim shorts, aqua converse, and denim jacket, with a black and white polkadotted bikini under it. I decided to wear a 'Keep Calm And Chill On' belly top, high waisted shorts, my beige cardigan, and white converse, with my aqua-marine bikini under it. We headed to the lounge, where the gang (us) would meet up. We all met each other there with smiles. "Can't believe were leaving tomorrow." I said to them.

"I know right." They all said in unison. "Ready to make memories." I grin.

"Hell, ya!" They all agreed. We then soon are racing each other to the beach. When we get there we all go out for a swim. I splash Jess then she splashes me back. "Hey, no one splashes my lady!" Jack laughs, then splashes me. "Hey, no one splashes my lady!" Alex says laughing also. He then splashes him, and soon were all laughing and splashing each other.

After we had dried up we played catch with a beach ball we found on the beach. After that we went to a food place that was close and ate some food. "That was fun." I laughed.

"Ya." Alex laughs. We talk for a little while then head to the cinema and watch a 2 hour movie. After the movie we headed to the pool to enjoy the last of the sunlight. Soon after we had to say goodbye. It was quite an upsetting one, even though we'd get to say goodbye tomorrow. "Bye babe." Jess had said to Jack. They hugged each other in such a way, it looked like they would never let go. They then kissed a sweet kiss.

"I'm going to miss you." I said filling up with tears. I bent my head to the floor, not wanting Alex to see me.

"Hey, this isn't goodbye yet. It's ok." Alex said gently, raising my chin to his face. I wiped a tear that had just fell from my eyes. He hugged me and then kissed me softly. We all separated. Sadly, and begrudgingly separated. The day was over. And so was this holiday.

Authors Note: OMG it's nearly over. I enjoyed this experience so much and soon will be moving on. Unfortunately I'm moving on and won't be doing a series. At least now anyway, but maybe some time in the future. The last chapter will be memorable and will be special. Thank you so much guys for reading this book, and I really appreciate it. Last Chapter soon to come.

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