Back Together

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I don't know. Nothing has ever felt so complicated. Before. I mean, what if things are just awkward between me and Alex. I couldn't have that. That would be a horrible relationship. Don't you think? Do you think I should of told him the truth? I probably should of. But I think I'm starting to regret, you know? I mean, wouldn't you? Everything is so complicated at this moment. I got up to a text from Alex saying 'Beach? At 8?' I texted back 'Sure' I looked at the time and realised it was 7.30. Crap. I ran to my wardrobe dripping on the way, and wore a white tank top, denim shorts, a blue jacket, and white converse. It was a chilly morning. I started my walk to the beach and arrived there on time. "Hey." He smiled.
"Hey." I smiled awkwardly. How was I suppose to act with him? Like a attached couple? Or should I just keep it distant? Before I could say anything else he grabbed my hand. "Come, I want to show you something." He started running, to I don't know where and eventually we reached the bottom. The bottom of what, you say. A mountain. It wasn't a very big one but it wasn't very small either. He grabbed a backpack from the floor, as if he put it there last night, and put it on his back. "Come on." He said. He climbed a few big rocks and reached out his hand to me on the floor. I took it nervously. He hauled me up to his level and we climbed together, hand in hand. I smiled to myself at our holding hands thing. 'Maybe things will be just fine.' I thought.

Eventually we reached the top. I looked around at my surroundings, admiring the nature and view I saw. There were purple flowers all around us accompanied with luscious green grass. I was in awe at what I saw. "Beautiful isn't it?" He said interrupting my thoughts. "Ya. How do you know about this place?"
"Dunno, by luck really." He shrugged. "I come here to... collect my thoughts." He continued.

"What thoughts?" I asked.

"About us. Life. Anything, really."

"Wow." I finally said. He sat down on the grass and just breathed in the air. I sat down next to him, and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed me back on the lips. I smiled. I got up and went up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. "This is beautiful." I said to him from his back. I don't know how, but we managed to make out in that kind of position. 'Everything's ok.' I thought.
"So, have you figured out if you love me?" He brings up randomly. Immediately I tense at this question and let go of him from behind. I go sit next to him. That was a tough question. After a few moments I finally spoke "I-I don't know."
"Charlie, I'm confused." He sighed.

"Look, I may not know if I love you. But I do know that I care about you. More than anything. No doubt about that."

"Ok." He sighed.

"Come on. Don't be like that." I said jokily and punched his arm playfully.

He faked a smile.

I frowned at this. I then out of nowhere smiled. From the bottom of my heart. "Your like dentures, because you make me smile!" I laugh. Then I start laughing so hard, I'm toppling on the floor, rolling around, with tears in my eyes. He starts joining in and rolls around with me. We finally stop laughing and are now laying on our backs, looking up. He wrapped his arms around me. We're still on our backs. I then just turn to my side facing him, looking at his cheek. He then turns to me and then we're gazing into each other's eyes. I then out of nowhere, smile. I feel his cheek and lean in for a sincere kiss. It was a nice soft, simple, still sincere, kiss. It made me happy. I smiled at him, snuggling closing to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. And it was quite a beat. He played with my hair. We eventually had to leave each other, begrudgingly we did so. With a very lovely goodbye kiss. It was great to be truly Back Together with him.

I skipped back to the hotel room, joyfully. I ate breakfast and went to my room. For the first time during my holidays, it rained. I was stunned but then again, couldn't care less, as long as I could at least text Alex. I lay on my back and went on my phone. Jess sat in her bed. "So, where'd you?" Jess asked.


"With who?"

"Alex." I smiled.

"Did you do anything? Special?"

"What do you mean, special?" I ask curiously, not knowing what she means.

"Really Charlie? Don't play dumb. Did you do it?"

"What!? I seriously don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh for crying out loud! Did you guys have sex?" She said, finally. I stayed silent. I never thought about it. At all. Strange. I had all the protection I could ever need and I haven't done it with him. Or even thought about it. It was a good question.
"Charlie! Did you have sex or not?" She said interrupting my thoughts.

"N-no." I said, startled.

"Oh. But we're soon leaving here, and you haven't had sex yet!" She said as if it was a crime.

"No." I simply say. But Jess did have a point. We've been dating for a while now and we still haven't done it. And Jess probably did it 5 times or more with Jack. Now I was worried. Why haven't we had sex yet? Alex made no attempt to. Should I be worried? Or was I making a big deal out of nothing? I jumped at a ding sound. It was a message from Alex. 'Thinking about you.' It said. I instantly smiled. 'Me too.' I sent back.
'Your like dentures because you make me smile! Seriously Charlie!? How cheesy of you😂' he sent back.
'In fairness, I was caught up in the moment.' I sent back, blushing as I did so.
'Ya sure. Don't worry though, because you're beautiful.'
'Huh? What do you mean?'
'Actually I'd don't get what I just said either! 😂'
'You're lucky I care about you' I sent pausing before texting 'care about you'
'Sure I am. Love you💖❤️'
'Gtg bye😘' I texted clearly not saying it back. I just didn't know if I felt that way about him yet. It was a bit soon for me to know, right now. But who knows, maybe I did. Just I don't know yet.

I left the hotel room, just to take a stroll around the hotel. Soon I'd be leaving and I wanted mental pictures as much as digital of this place. This is a experience I can't forget. I walked around the pool and the lounge room and the lobby. I walked past corridors, and hotel rooms, and areas I've never been there before. After a while I got peckish and went to a place like McDonalds, which was called 'Gomez's' . I walked in and ordered cheeseburger and chips. I sat down and ate, just thinking. All by myself own. After my delightful meal I decided to go back to the place Alex went to this morning with me.
I reached the place and climbed up, with struggles at first but soon getting the hang of it. I sat down in the same spot me and Alex sat and smiled. Then I lay on my back and looked up to the sky. With no distraction, if you know what I mean. Eventually I had to leave, because it was getting cold and dark. Today was a nice day. I walked back to the hotel room and put on PJ's. I had dinner and headed to my room. I lay on my bed and watched 'The Titanic'. The couple loved each other. They would do anything for each other. Now that was my #RelationshipGoals. But would my relationship goals be with Alex? Do I really love him? I don't know. That night I slept with that question and yet another just popped in. Are we going to have sex soon? Or at all?

Authors note: Hope you liked it. Soon this book will come to an end and until then enjoy every chapter. Next chapter to come soon.

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