The Locket

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During breakfast, I munched my cereal silently, thinking. When one thing stuck in my brain the most 'The Locket'. What was I going to do about it? I really loved the locket and I wanted it back, desperately. But I couldn't go snooping in Alberto's hotel room alone. There was only one person I could ask. I texted the person to meet me at the receptions desk at 3. I got ready at 2:30 since I couldn't care less what I looked like in front of this person. I put on my navy blue Hollister California tracksuit with my white converse and put my hair into a messy bun. Jess asked to come with me since Jack had something else he had to do. But I lied and said I was doing a surprise thing for my mom. She protested and tried to persuade me into letting her come, but I wouldn't say yes and eventually she gave up and let me go.

"So what is it, we urgently need to talk about?" The person says, when I reach the reception desk. The person was in a blue t-shirt and baggy shorts.

"Come, let's talk in the lounge." I said and we walked over to the lounge.

"So what is it?" He said sitting down on a sofa getting impatient.

"Look, me coming to you was the toughest decision I had to make. Don't make me regret it." I said.

He stayed silent.

"I woke up this morning," I began, ", in Alberto's room. Naked. And he was too. And there was a plastic condom container that was empty.Alberto even said we had sex. And that I was walking on the beach last night, drunk and he gave me something to make me un-sober and it had worked, and I threw myself at him and we did it." I had finished.

"Alex, is going to freak!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down Jack!" I say shushing Jack. "And here comes the really bad part... I can't find the locket. Alberto said he disposed it." I said tensing.

"What!? Charlie, do you know how angry Alex will be!?"

"Shh! Will you help me or not?"

"How on earth can I help you, in this situation!?"

"Help me sneak into his hotel room and look for the locket. I'm pretty sure he's on a shift."

"We need his hotel key, though." He said stating a problem.

"You're right. Why don't we look around for the house keeping uniforms?" I ask, biting my lip.

Jack throws back his head, laughing. "Ok, fine. But you'll owe me big. I had to lie to my girlfriend for this." He says through laughs.

"Ya, no problem. Come on, I think I have an idea where the housekeeping uniforms are." I say standing up. He follows me and we're soon twisting and turning in corridors finally reaching a place that has a door saying 'Housekeeping Supplies' We open the door and find the uniforms. "Ladies first." Jack says, so I go in and change first then he does the same. We find a Housekeeping Cart and take it with us. We wheel the cart to the receptions desk. "May I have the keys to Alberto the waiter by the pool, hotel room. We need to go clean the room." Jack says adding on the last part. The man eyes us suspiciously then hands us the keys. We start our journey to Alberto's hotel room, and reach it without getting caught. I take the key and shakily open the door. It felt so weird to back here, twice in one day.
"Ok, mission: to find that locket." Jack says. Immediately, we started searching, he went for the living room and I went for the kitchen. No luck so far, he checked the laundry room and I checked the bedroom. I started frantically searching in his drawers, knowing that soon Alberto would be on lunch break. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon and I could here a key in the door.

"What you doing here?" He asked, Jack. Who he didn't know, thank God.

"We here to clean. But we finished now." Jack said in a Russian accent. I bowed my head down to the floor and scurried out after Jack. We closed the door and I said "Phew!"
"Let's go, before he catches us." Jack says. We run to the HouseKeeping Supply room and change back to our normal clothes. We walk over to the lounge, me feeling, defeated.
I buried my head into my hands. Jack comes over next to me and puts his arm around my waist. "Hey, it's ok. We'll get the locket. I promise." He says sweetly.

"Thanks Jack." I said, managing to smile.

"There you go! Don't worry we'll find it. I promise." He says. Still having his hand around my waist.
Could it be possible, the arrogant boy I knew before being nice to me? I guess it was.

Authors Note: Omg! Things are getting juicy! And she still can't find the locket. What will she tell Alex? Jess? Will she find the locket? Wait and read.

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