The Note and the Hair Dye

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After I got home I just went straight to bed. But sadly Jess didn't come home with me. I didn't bother to get her and went back to the hotel room. 'She's probably busy anyway.' I thought on the way back. But I woke up this morning not seeing Jess in her separate bed next to me. "Shit." Is all I manage to say. She's in trouble. I lay there in my bed trying to decide whether to cover for her or just tell the truth. I decide to cover for her and tell her later that she'll owe me big time. I get up from the bed putting my hair into a quick ponytail. I slip into my Uggs and walk out of the room. I go to my mom who is making some coffee. "Where's Jess?" My mom asks. "She's..uhh gone to the... beach. For some fresh air. I was just about to go get her." I lie. "Ok. Hurry up, it's nearly time for breakfast." She says.

I leave the kitchen and head out the hotel room door not realising I was still in my 'Keep Calm and Sleep On' Pj's. I head over to Jacks hotel room thinking that's the only possible place she could be in. I had to knock on the door several times before someone finally opened the door.

"What!?" Jack says looking very annoyed in his underwear.

"Where's my friend? Jess?" I ask clearly ignoring his unwelcome tone and his lack of clothes. I tried so hard not to look at his abs, which were six packs.

"Jess!" He shouts over his shoulder. "It's for you!"

"Coming." I hear someone groan in the background. I have a peek in the hotel room over Jacks's shoulder and realise the place is completely trashed.

"Hey Charlie." Jess comes to the door finally. Jack leaves us alone and Jess continues . "Where were you last night?" She asks.

"In the our hotel room." I say. "What are you wearing?" I ask in return of my answer to hers.

"Jack's t-shirt." And she was. It was a very big t-shirt on her with a half moon on it, that went just past her ass.

"Wait did you..." I widen my eyes in shock and she simply smiles shyly at me.

"Maybe. Might I say Thin Feel is my favourite by far." She smiles.

"YOU USED BOTH!" I practically shout.

"Shhh. Keep your voice down! And yes. You see I tried Extra Safe fir-" she began.

"I DON'T want to know!" I say.

"Fine. Suit yourself." She smiles.

"I can't believe you had sex with Jack!" I shriek in shock.

"Might I add he's really good at it!" She smiles looking like she's playing back what happened last night.
"Oh, what happened with Mrs Miller, by the way?" She asks.

"I covered for you. You're welcome. If she asks you were at the beach getting some air. Now, hurry up and get your things we need to go." I pester her to get her things.

"K." She goes back into the room getting her things not bothering to change back into the dress and shoes. "Bye Jack." She calls over her shoulder. "Bye babe." Through brushing his teeth still only in his underwear. I mock throw up in front of her. "Oh stop it." She scowls me. We ran back into the hotel room. Jess runs into our bedroom leaving me to cover for her AGAIN. "Where's Jess?" My mom asks having a mug of coffee in her hand. "In the room. She'll be out in a minute." And after I said that she was out in pyjama pants but still Jacks t-shirt. "Where'd you get that t-shirt Jessica?" My mom asks. She looks down at the t-shirt going red at leaving it on. "Uhh. My brother." She gulps. "Oh. You have a bigger brother? Interesting. What's his name?" She asks looking intrigued and surprised. "Did I say brother? I meant cousin." She says going redder. I finally decide to cut her some slack and help her out. "Ya her cousin. For Christmas. I'm starving.... Can we have some breakfast now?" I say helping her out. "Ya sure." She says getting the landline and calling for breakfast. I mouth to her 'You owe me big time'. She nods in agreement and we walk into our room. As soon as Jess closes the door she says "Oh my God, thank you." "You owe me, and I already know what you can do for me." I smile mischievously.

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