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I wake up, and I'm naked, well wrapped around the sheets, but still naked, and I'm next to Alberto, who is naked. Completely naked. I'm sleeping next to him in a kind size bed. It looks like I'm in his hotel room. Shit. Did we have sex? I look around at my surroundings, and I notice a opened condom pack, with no condom in it. It's pretty clear, we did have sex. Shit. Shit. Shit. But why would I have sex with him? I carefully, get out of the bed and put on one of his grey t-shirts that is very big on me and says 'fuck'. I tiptoe to the kitchen and make myself some coffee. When the coffee is ready I sit down at his kitchen table and sip a bit of the coffee. I now suddenly, start freaking out. What am I going to tell Alex? Am I going to tell Alex? So many questions. I close my eyes trying to relax. I open my eyes and a tear drop falls down gently on my cheek. I quickly wipe away the tear. 'You can do this' I say to myself. I can handle this. So then I think 'What am I going to do?' I immediately think 'phone'. I tiptoe back into the room and start searching for my phone quietly.

I don't succeed on finding it and realise Alberto starting to move, so I quickly run into the kitchen and sip some more of the coffee. Alberto finally wakes up and comes into the kitchen putting on the kettle. "Hey, sweetheart." He comes over (still in his underwear, only) and kisses me on my forehead. I stay silent sipping my coffee. I look down on my neck and realise the locket is gone! "What did you do with my locket?" I say getting really worried.

"I disposed of it. Seeing that you didn't like him, anymore. Since we did have sex." He pulled out the empty condom plastic container.

"That gave you no right to dispose of it." I say clenching my fists and tensing my jaw.

"Sorry, I just assumed-" he began.

"Assumed what? That I'd even fall for, for you? You've got to be kidding me. What even happened last night?" I say rubbing my temples.

He smirks. "That is a good question..." He says then he started telling me how I was drunk and walking on the beach in the night , then he took me to his hotel room and gave me something to help me become sober again, it had worked and I sprung myself at him and we did it. I just couldn't.. believe such a story. I honestly couldn't. How could that be possible? I don't remember much of what happened last night but, I just can't fit that in my head.
"Why was I drunk?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just found you like that." Alberto shrugs. Fuck. What am I going to tell Alex?

"Where's my phone?" I ask. He rushes back into his room and comes back out with my phone, switched off.
Hmm.. strange. I turn it back on waiting, impatiently. "I better go." I say. I walk into his room and change into the clothes that were there. What was strange was the clothes that were there didn't smell anything like alcohol. I left his hotel room realising it was 11 a.m already. Shit. What will I say to Jess? I eventually reached the hotel room, nervously I opened the door and headed to the kitchen.
"What took you so long?" Jess asked me. "It doesn't take that long to walk on the beach and get fresh air, does it?" She asks again. "The what!?" I ask not remembering I went to walk on the beach. "I think she got too much air, Charlene. Next time I'm coming with you." She said. I was still in a daze of what just happened and I just shrugged my head and joined them for breakfast. What did she mean I took too long at the beach? What did she mean it doesn't take that long to walk on the beach?

Authors Note: I hope you guys are enjoying it all so far. It's really getting juicy don't you think?
Will Charlie remember what happened? Will she tell anyone? What will she do about the locket? You'll have to wait and read.

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