Game on, Alberto

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The next morning. I was determined, determined to get the locket. I couldn't spring on Alberto, without any remembrance of what happened. At least, I was going to find out what happened and then blackmail him with it. Jack had texted me this morning saying that he was going to go swooping around in Alberto's hotel room, but I was sleeping then so I couldn't protest. I figured it wasn't best to text, just yet. Eventually the nerve racking wait was over when Jack texted me saying 'Guess what I found. Meet me at the lounge, 2.' We've been, really thinking of what was in Alberto's hand, and what on earth did he give me. I went to meet up with Jack on time and he had a bag with little pills in them. "This, is big." Jack said, when he saw me. I sat down next to him and studied the pills. "What are these?" I ask. "Way ahead of you. I found them in a box, full of these. I took a few and searched up the pill's name. It took a lot of typing and Google translating because it was a Spanish pill. But basically these were pills that dissolve into liquid and each pill is 30 minutes."

"30 minutes of what?" I ask.

"30 minutes of sleep. I saw that it said that the side effects were pounding headaches and some loss of memory."

I try to picture the pills, are what he gave me, put it just didn't fit. "Is that what he gave you?" Jack asks hopefully.

"No. It's not. I mean, why would I take these pills if he gave them to me?"

"Your right... We have to find out what he gave you." Jack says chewing his lip.

"Pool? I think he has a shift there now." I say.

"Ya, I think he does. Let's go." Jack says. He gets up and so do I and soon we're at the beach.
1 hour later. "This is hopeless." Jack groans. "We're finding nothing." He says.

"You're right. Let's go." I start to gather my things when I notice Alberto, he has something in his hand. It's a flask. He drinks from the flask and I get a flash of memory. I close my eyes. "What do you see Charlie?" Jack asks.

"I see Alberto... handing me that flask... Me drinking from it.... And.. me fainting a few minutes later." I open my eyes.
"That asshole. He gave me those pills. Wait till I get him.." I say glaring at him. Jack holds me back and says "Easy. Let's meet up outside his hotel room, at 8." Jack says.

"But he'll be there, at that time." I say confused.

"Ya, exactly. We're going to drop by at his place, for a little chat.." Jack says smirking mischievously. I smirk too knowing what he's planning. "Sure. See you then." I agree smirking back.

It's 8 and I'm waiting outside Alberto's hotel door. Waiting for Jack. Soon after a few moments Jack shows up and he's knocking on the door before we go through the plan probably. "What you wants?" Alberto says clearly annoyed. "Where's the locket?" Jack asks, ignoring Alberto's question. Jack shoves through the door into the living room and I nervously follow him. "I don'ts know what you talking about." Alberto says being in denial.

"Charlie. Would you care to tell Alberto what you now remember?" Jack says playing bad cop.

"You gave me pills. And made me think we had sex. I know. Hand over the locket." I state. He hesitates then reaches into his pocket and hands me back the locket. "Don't you EVER try apologise to me. EVER." I warn. "Jack may I?"
"Sure." He smirks. Before you know it I'm lashing my palm against his cheek, and enjoying it. I walk out the room and Jack follows, without saying a word. "Success." Jack says when we reach outside the door.

"Mhmm. Mission accomplished." I say smiling putting up my hand for a high 5.

"No, no, no. I don't high 5. I do shakes. Let's make up one. Ok so.." Jack says and after 5 minutes we made up a handshake. "Let's do it." Jack said, so we did. It began with a click of each finger separately then we'd fist pump, high five, a quick shake of the body then we'd pound it again and make it explode! "That's great Charlie. We'll make it our special friendship handshake." Jack says smiling. "Ya. Let's make it our friendship handshake." I say laughing, and him joining in the laugh.
"We still have one more mission." Jack said.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"To get you and Alex back together. Without telling him what happened. Unfortunately, we can't. Sorry Charlie."

"That's ok. We won't tell him, just... we'll need a heck of an excuse." I say.

"No problem. Just have a good sleep, and we'll talk about it tomorrow. Oh and don't bother telling Jess about breaking up with Alex, because before you know it you'll be back together. Goodnight." Jack says finishing the night off with a friendly hug. And we're off our separate ways, yet again. At least we have a Mission Accomplished.

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