A Wild Wild Party

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I breathed in this other atmosphere. Each step to Jack's hotel room made me more nervous by the second. Finally we reached the hotel room at 8:00 p.m. At least we were fashionably late. Already outside the door I could hear the loud music. I'm pretty sure my heart rate went even louder then the music. I walked into the room and immediately I felt less amount of air I had in the hallway. "Hey Jess! Glad you could make it other one." Jack greets us. I scowl him for calling me 'other one'. "It's Charlie." I correct him. He just glares at me and starts a conversation with Jess. Immediately I'm the third wheel. "I'm going to look for Alex!" I say to Jess shouting over the music. She nods at me pushing me away.

Glad to see my best friends there for me.

I start looking around the hotel room, when I see a familiar face. It's that waiter who looked 18, who was at the pool. I blush at the thought and decide to go over and say Hi.

"Hey." He says.

"I'm Charlie."

"Nice to see you again." He says.

A slow song goes on and he's asking me to dance. "Uhh. Sure." I finally say. I gulp while he takes my hand and walks me over to the dance floor. He wraps his arms around my waist. And I entwine my fingers around his neck. "Hey! I only noticed that you still haven't told me your name." I laugh.

"My name Alberto." He says smiling.

"Nice name."

"Thanks." He says. He smiles and I smile back. Before you know it he's leaning in and he kisses me. But his kiss is rough and feels poisonous. Even so I don't back away. Suddenly the kiss becomes more intimate and all of a sudden he's pulling me into a dark room where we're by ourselves. "Don't worry me come prepared." He says smiling. He pushes me onto the bed and takes a condom from his pocket. He opens it up. He's starting to take off his button up shirt. He lays on top of me kissing me harder than ever, shoving his tongue down my throat. I suddenly realise he's taking off his jeans and halfway through his underwear when I yell "STOP!" " I just can't. Not now. I'm just not ready yet."

He looks at me in a disgusted way and glares at me. I suddenly realise he's probably some waiter who hooks up with many girls then moves on to another. "Asshole." I say to him. "Perra." He insults me in Spanish. "Huh?" "Bitch." He says translating to English. I felt immediately humiliated thinking that I nearly had sex with him.

I grab my heels and carry on purse not bothering to fix my hair and run out the hotel room. I lay my back slowly against the wall sliding down it till I reach the floor. A tear drop suddenly falls down my cheek, one that I didn't even know I was holding back. I ruffled through my purse looking for my phone. I checked my reflection on it and saw that my mascara was running, my lipstick was smudged and my hair was a complete and total mess. I cried at myself when I heard a voice.
"Charlie? You ok?" It was Alex. Why was he always showing up at the worst times. I just sat there not responding, crying even more. He sat next to me and put my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around my waist. I just cried there in his shoulder not bothering to care about how bad I looked in front of him.

I finally stopped crying, after a while. I looked at the shoulder that I cried on and his shirt was completely ruined. "Sorry about your shirt." I sniffled. "Don't worry about it." He smiled. Wow he truly was a lovely guy. "I look horrible, don't I?" I joked. "Well....maybe." He laughed. I laughed along too. "Charlie. What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it." I simply said. "Ok. But when you do I'm here." I looked into his sea blue eyes and he looked into my chocolate eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. And I didn't stop him. His kiss was very soft and gentle. Alex was truly a lovely guy. But did I really like him?

Authors Note: hope you liked this. I hope there were some cliff hangers in here. BTW Perra actually does mean bitch. I looked it up on google translate.

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