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Chapter 4

My day had a slow beginning but now that I had slept through two of my classes and found out Brent was also in my last class, I had been fairly rejuvenated. Currently, we were supposed to be revising our partners essay but my partner didn't have an essay.
Obviously my partner is Mr Rivera.
Although we weren't revising at all anyway but playing. Playing the name game to be exact and I kept cheating. Not that I needed too but it was funny to see him so upset and it wasn't even good or discreet cheating.

"I know you know what you are doing, stop doing that." He spat making me laugh when I saw his face. His jaw was set, meaning he was clenching his teeth and his eyebrows lowered, head down. He's actually a lot more attractive when he's mad, and the stark contrast between his dark hair color and rose pink lips were prominent in the moment. The more I tried to stop laughing, the harder I laughed. I even started making a noise that I only make when I'm laughing too hard and my vocal chords are straining. That sound made Brent laugh, and other students got distracted, which caused a scene and us an open seat in detention tomorrow.

After our outburst we really decided to work although I couldn't concentrate because of the not so much whispering from Ray. A girl I've seen around a couple of times but never really talked too.

She was talking to Penelope, another female I've never spoken too before.
I would have tried to eavesdrop but with their loudness, I didn't need much effort.

"I don't like her" Ray began, instantly making me roll my eyes. I =f I had a dime for every time I've that one, I'd be richer than Bill Gates.
"I'm sure she feels the same way"
"I could just write an article about how fake she is"
"Why do you pay her so much attention than?"

"Please, you must keep your enemies closer than your friends. Since she doesn't have the worth to be my enemy, I'll just keep an eye on her"
I couldn't listen to anymore. Ray seemed to be another annoying person trying to beef up their status by using my name.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom." I said aloud so the guy beside me heard and then stalked to the front of the class to grab the pass. I didn't know I had company and the exact person I wanted to get away from for a second appeared directly in front of me. The annoyance I was once had just sky rocketed at this girl's confrontation.

"Arie. I wanted to tell you that I like Brent and -" I cut her off, not liking that my name was in her mouth.

"I don't care" and that was all I said before walking away. It took a lot for me to be the bigger person, if it were Diamond, she would have stabbed the girl in the face with a stiletto. That really was a call the kettle black moment! Me, fake? She was faker than most models I know and they get their boobs replaced with silicon! I turned on my hills going back into the classroom and ignoring the curious eyes.

A few minutes later, Brent tried to make small talk and if it weren't for him than that confrontation would have left me with an attitude and a grudge. It didn't take much to piss me off and when I did get pissed, I needed a distraction before my anger got the best of me.

He has two brothers and a sister. I didn't ask their names because his sister and him are the only ones that live with there parents. They are all really close though, especially him and his sister. He was telling me about the things they use to do and videos they make. The way he animatedly talked had my bad mood melting away and laughing instead. I noticed after a while of talking that we accumulated stares from the people around us and some started talking about us like we weren't sitting next to them, but we tried to ignore them and kept talking.

"They get along so well!"

"Look at her! She's a freaking model! of course he go for her!"

"I don't think he's all that cute anyway"

Brent Riveras wifeWhere stories live. Discover now