Something I love

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"What do, you want to do for our honeymoon?" i ask truly curious.

He blushed bright pink, before clearing his throat. "Umm, i don't really know, do you have anything special in mind?"

"No" I smile we just got back home. My needed material for the bridesmaids dresses are no longer needed and my stomach started growling.

Seriously after so much cake you find time to be hungry?
Brent probably thinks im fat because of you

He took my hand leading me into the kitchen. He sat me- litterly placed me on my chair. He began to open a cook book and I just watched.

"Only for my wifey"
"How did you know chicken alfredo was my favorite?"

He kissed my cheek as I stare at the plate in front of me.

"I do pay attention to our little conversations babe" he pointed out and i turned his way.

"Aw and here I thought you only stared at my boobs the whole time" he smirked.

Wow, he didn't blush, aw. But damn that smirk, and those lips.....

"I can multi task" When did he get so full of confidence?

"Oh can you?" I wrap my arms around his neck. Just this little gesture has become so familiar.

"Wanna find out?" he whispered in my ear,making my heart race, sending chills along my arms,yet a smile made its way to my face at such a naughty thought.

"Oh, really? Your willing to let me" I peck his lips "Taste?" kissed his jawline "you?" I bring my hands to his hips and slid them under his shirt.

I have been so patient, I'm so proud of myself. This guy is smoking hot, sweet, and a perfect gentleman IT KILLS ME!
I can't help but wonder what he's like in bed, cause he's one hell of a kisser and I can't wait much longer.

His hand for the second time ever cupped and squeezed my a-- "Guys save it for the wedding tomorrow or even your honeymoon, you two have dance lessons to be at an- oh food! How'd you know I love chicken Alfredo?!"

The tant pink was fading away after we were caught.

Diamond came running in with Nicole on her heels.

"Arie!!"diamond yelled jumping on me causing us both to fall on the floor and me hit my head from impact.

"Aww shi- damn it diamond that one hurt"

"I'm so sorry rie, I was just excited about the news I had to tell you about you know who unless you don't know who then that sentence would be irrelevant and I'd have to explain to you that you know who is Joseph and now since you know who I have to tell you something!!!!!" she says in one breath.

Typical D

She was straddling me and crushing my ribs all at once. I pushed her off and lifted my arms like a baby 'when they want to be picked up towards Brent, He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Am i safe up here?" I hug him tight.

"Yea, I'm not letting you go" he smiled making me smile back.

"Aw! Guys!" Nicole gushed "I can picture your Babies and my babies growing up together and getting married joining our families together alas. Were going to be step sisters!"

She has been talking about babies so much lately you'd think she's preparing to become a mom....could she? Nah she's the most responsible person I know there's no way....but if it is I so called it!

"Shut up Nikie" we all coursed at once"

"Diamond, whats this news you gave me a headache about?" I rest my head on Brents shoulder as he begins to walk up the stairs.

"I have a boyfriend!"

"D when don't you have a B" Nicole asks.

She laughed but its true. She's a model for crying out loud, this girl is a hot one.

"But this is different, its like we're two of one. He's as much player as me except now that he's with me, he's only player with me, No other girl can have him! Same as no other guy can have me, sorry Brent but I'm taken" she pats his shoulder. I smack her hand off his shoulder and kick her softly "So is he!" she laughs at my face.

"Sooo possessive she is, that means she's a good one in bed" i gasp and kick her again "DIAMOND!" she laughs again.

"Your only proving her point with violence" Nicole chimed in.

I huffed "whatever". Brent started laughing at our everyday antics "Can't wait to find out" he kissed me once his sentence was audible after his laughing fit.

Now that little sentence caused such a major blush, i had to hide my face, so i hid it in his neck as he laughed again.

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