the tabloids

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That was the most fun I've ever had modeling. Me and brent were walking hand in hand to my dressing room to change. I left my hair down because it was in a pretty wavy kind of shape today.

When we finished we left and was about to find my mom when marco showed up speaking.

"Ah, Arie so who's your friend"?

"Oh, this is my fiancé brent, brent this is marco"
They shook hands.

"Has any one told you, you could be a model"?

"Well I kind of am" he says shyly, and I gave him a surprised look, because I never knew that.

"Oh you are now, well you did a great job out there, I hope to be seeing you again"
Brent looked at me and smiled, "I'm sure you will"
I smiled back.

We met my mom in her office, I told her we'd be out but will be back shortly after a bundle of questins about brent, like his size, height, type, etc.

Brent took my hand as we were walking, he wanted to stop for a slushie but I told him we had plans, he seemed to be enjoying the day though. We were walking and I had the strangest feeling some one was watching us, but I didn't see anyone when I turned to look.

"So" brent started talking to me "Do you really think I'm sexy everyday"?

"Well yeah, but I don't seem to see it today, maybe if I get closer"
We were waiting in line at this restaurant, I walked closer and looked him up and down. I turned his head left and right and bring his face close to mine for a kiss.

"Yea, totally sexy"

He smiled and I did too. "Good cause I like what I see too" and gave me another kiss.

"So hubby, tomorrow are we matching or no"?

"Well if we matched, would you be wearing a skirt or shorts"?

"Totally depends on the colors"

"How about white and grey"?

"How about a skirt"?

"Yeup, I like it were totally matching"

I smiled at him ridiculously. "So have you been making your vines weekly or have I interrupted the proccess"?

"Well both"

"Well, let's make a vine right here right now"?

"In line"?

"Yeah, give me your phone, please"

He did and unlocked it too.
I got on his camera to record, but I happen to see a girl in his recent photo box, I ignored it, I'm gonna jump to conclusions.

I had it recording when brent took the camera and introduced the world to me, I was surprised though, I tried hiding. It kind of Failed so brent took my hand and held me still. While he made his vine about restaurants, considering our wait was over. Some waitress with blue highlights showed us our tables. We were sitting there looking over the menus when I couldn't think clearly. Nicole words were paging through my mind like a interesting book.
So if he has a gf you wouldn't get upset? How do you know he's actually ok with this?
I don't.



"How do you feel about this"?

"well, shrimp looks good but the desert makes me want to skip it and go straight to that"

He looked up "What's a matter"?

"I mean how do you feel about being forced into a marriage"?
I was starting to feel sad.

"Hey, wait a minute, as far as I'm concerned no one's forcing me to do anything, this is all me, you asked I answered. I'm having a great time and is loving being with you".

I started twisting my engagement ring around my finger. "Are you sure"?

He got up and walked over to me, took my chin and tilted it up, "I'm sure" was what he said before kissing me. A real kiss, but the waitress ruined the momen. I was happy again and smiled. He went and sat back down, across the table. I'm going to ignore the flutters that just appeared. I may be getting a stomach ache.

"Can I take your order"?

"Yes I'd like your big bowl of fudge sundae with extra fudge and two spoons"
Yep. Straight to desert like he said.

I looked at brent, "I'll have your variety cheesecake"

"Is that all"?

"Yes thank you"

He looked at me, "Big bowl with two spoons"?

"Yeup, wanted to share my favorite desert with you, although chocolate ice cream is my fav, hot fudge sundae is a super close second " I smiled.

He started laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me" I pouted pretending to be upset.

"I dunno yet" he said smiling.

We were talking and laughing, all the things you'd do on a typical date. Except this one was fake, i couldn't help but notice some teenagers in the restaurant were looking our way, talking and smiling and giggling before one with sea blue eyes, a pink and black outfit walked right up to brent and asked for a picture i smiled at that, but was pulled out of my trance and into the picture with them.

I was stunned at first but just smiled antway.

The girl was extremely happy before she walked away screaming with her friends.

"What was that about?"
Its a viner thing was all he said before we left.

Today was great. I mean i couldn't be any happier how can this get any more amazing?

Truth be told it can't, infact when i checked my social medias i could see there was something strange going on, i had an increase in followers on instagram, too many friend request to count on Facebook and it was the same on Twitter. At first i was happy but then i got all these questions from random girls and some hate mail. I didn't even know why. That was until i started reading the comments.

Are you really engaged to brent?
Why would he want you?
We ship brit, we ship bri. You guys are so cute.

How the hell did he get in this. What is going on?

I threw a couple of pebbles at brents window before he showed up.


"Hey, um so I decided to ask you some things but don't be mad or anything okay"


I mentally cuss myself out.

"Okay" he started to sound worried.

"How do I put this. Somehow......our engagement is online everywhere and some people are sending me all sorts ..hate mail and I just wanted to know how your in the mix?" I asked shyly.

"Hey arie? You know I'm a viner right?" He asks. Of coarse I know he's a viner and a really funny one at that.

"Yeah I watch your videos sometimes" I admitted without thinking. He better not be the kind of boy to use this aginst me.

He smirked.  Well shit.

"Do you know how big of a viner I am?" Now that's a good question.

"No" I shook my head feeling social media awkward.

"I'm in the top ten, I even go on tours sometimes" Well shit.

My phone began to vibrate- more hate and ship mail.

My eyebrows furrowed and he noticed. I'm in deep deep, deep 'emphasis on deep' shit. 

Brent Riveras wifeWhere stories live. Discover now