a happy beginning

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Aries pov

I was given a specific position to sit on this white couch. I was sitting on the left side of the love seat. I had my feet up on the right side of the armrest. They started taking pictures.

Brent came out in a black muscle shirt and white briefs. His hair was combed back and he was barefoot. He stood there watching me for about two minutes before being instructed to sit by my feet on the arm rest. I moved my feet over grinning.
He sat down resting his arm on my legs, he cooked his eyebrows and grinned and then again the cameras started flashing. I found, myself posing and trying my hardest not to laugh at brent slowly brushing my leg in movement's so small you couldn't even tell he was moving. He looked so fine, I could say beatiful but that doesn't compare. He has that perfect light everyone searches for when taking a selfie.
He smiled and I just could have melted.

"Ok guys, take five" I hear Marco say. Then I feel brent fall back into my lap.
"Phew, that was hard work"
I started laughing
"Brent, all you did was pose and try to look sexy"
"Well" He got his feet up and swung them around and layed them on mine. He's practicly lying on me backwards.
"Aw, brent your heavy get up" I started laughing as soon as my sentence ended because brent started tickling me. I tried to push him off and then the cameras started flashing.

"That's perfect guys you just keep playing, no, you know what, pretend that we aren't even here"

After looking at , marco, then back at brent, I started laughing because brent started tickling me again.
Although I was laughing my stomach was starting to hurt his nails were piercing my skin.

"Aw, bre...brent...ok, st.......stop, plz my stomach".
He stopped instantly and watched me as I pulled my shirt up stopping before I exposed my bra. I was rubbing my stomach when brent started kissing my belly.
"Im, sorry wifey, I didn't mean it" He kissed my belly again " do you forgive me?" and then shot me the puppy dog eyes.

I couldn't help but to laugh, then he rested his head on my stomach and I sat there rubbing his head full of hair.
They were still snapping pictures but I didn't care.

Just me and brent were there talking in my head, I blocked everything else out. He was funny and I feel like I was seeing him for the first time. I wasn't blinded by his looks, but I can actully see him, how smart he is, how funny, how caring and sensitive.
I think I'm falling in love.
No not love, but maybe deep like.
Who am I kidding, I love him
I love brent.

The thought made me smile, and brent also made me smile when he happened to look up and that made him smile. It was our perfect little moment. Before I heard marco saying "that's a wrap"

Brent Riveras wifeWhere stories live. Discover now