Chap 7

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Chap 7

"Evening? Have to come back here" she grumbled.
"Just stay here do whatever you want around the house. I will make breakfast if you want or you can go out near here" He suggested
"Hmm will see" Imlie thought
"Actually you might have to come here often how about you move in? " he asked
"What?! No No thats going to be weird" she immediately rejected the idea
"Ok was just trying to help you commute less. So staying here or see you in evening?"
"I will go and see you in evening" She decided .
"Ok" he shrugged
"Bye" she waved and left him.

When Aryan reached home Zara was waiting for him "Aru freshen up and then we need to talk now!" She said "I will make our favorite spanish omlette"

"Alright coming back in sometime" Aryan came back in 15 minutes.

"Aryan sit" He took sit next to her
"How you met her?I mean did you even look at her? Or is this rebound of my rejection?" She started attacking him with questions
"I met her at an event she is a reporter i found her interesting so i asked her on date. Look at her what you mean?" He asked confused

"Aryan these girls who come lower socio background will date you for money. I can clearly tell she is gold digger, You are my best friend so have to tell you what i feel" She said holding his hands

"Let me be the judge of who she is right? I asked you out and you rejected yes but she is not rebound. I just decided to move on and not wait for you since you clearly said no" He emphasized

"Aru yar you making me feel guilty. Yar i love and care for you. Fine you decide but let me too keep an eye out. I cannot see you with wrong woman" She sighed
"So i smell jealousy " he asked softly chuckling
"No am not jealous. The way i know you nobody can know you ever! Not even her" She said little resentfully.

"Chal relax hoja you will get to know her more in evening" She nodded and they both went out for breakfast.

Imlie was venting her anger out by cleaning the house. The way she was looking at her was so condescending she felt like slapping her. She just controlling her mouth as long she can. Plus she is going to be there in evening testing her.

Aryan texted her "Wear something expensive tonight"
Imlie got pissed she knew its Zara's doing
Imlie : Look Sir i will wear what i am. If you have problem i will give your money back.
Aryan: Why you getting mad? I just asked wear something expensive
Imlie: Yes because your best friend ego is satisfied
Aryan: Dont you dare talk about Zara like that
Imlie: Well dont you dare tell me what to wear. I will come in rags now watch
Aryan: Do whatever you want be here at 7pm sharp
Imlie: Whatever

Imlie was pissed and that text pissed her off, Aryan brings out her wild side she never behaves this way but this man a d her best friend is another level.

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