Chap 15

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Chap 15

Once they reached home, Aryan went to his room and came out with a gym bag.
Zara frowned "Where you going this late?"
"Somehwere " he said
"Where? You were not feeling well some time ago"
"Now am better" He said
"Where you going Aru? Or i wont talk to you" she warned
"Come with me" he said
"Ok Imlie tu bhi chal" she offered
"No i dont want her to come. Tu chal" without looking at Imlie. Imlie rolled her eyes atleast Zara will kill him once she finds out what he is really doing.

"Ok" Zara and Aryan left.
Imlie as usual was scared so she turned on tv and started a series.
After three hours, Imlie was dozed off on sofa when she heard Zara sqeualing "Imlie get up!!! You know what Aryan does he goes to underground illegal fights" Imlie frowned this was opposite reaction she wanted.

She looked at Aryan, his face bloodies and his hands. "Ye kya halat ki hai?" She asked concerned touching his face
"Are Imlie he is damn good he is one of top three fighters there. Oh my god Aru" Zara jumped and hugged him.

Imlie sighed, she is suppose to stop him but she is instead supporting him. He keeps getting bruises and thats not good, she knows illegal fights also can be deadly.  She cant see him like this everyday, he would never listen to her even if as friend but she can try.

Aryan didnt speak anything and both him and Zara went upstairs. She sighed and went to join them. Zara was actually in another guest room, which Imlie didnt know so she went into Aryan room. He came was rummaging through clothes "Oh I thought Zara was here with you" She said
"No , she isnt my girlfriend yet. According to her you are so why would she be alone in my room?" He said annoyed
"Right. Anyways Aryan as a friend stop fighting like this. I have heard it can be deadly. And look at the bruises you keep having" she said worried

"Am not going to quit . Plus Zara loved it" he said with smirk
"She did but she doesn't realize she can lose you in those fights" she said furious at his stubborness.
"Yar am tired let me go sleep" Aryan said yawning
"Bhad mein ja Goodnight" she gave tight smile and left.

Zara met her outside , "Zara tell him not to do this" she sighed
Zara confused "do what?"
"Not do illegal fights" she completed her sentence
"No let him, he loves it and i love seeing him do all those moves. Infact i realize i do have crush on my best friend. Just going to explore more. Thank you i judged you early" Zara hugged her but Imlie knew Zara only being nice because she is helping her. She doesnt know the truth that she is not even his girlfriend.

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