i : hold the key to my heart

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Author's Note: First fanfiction!
Wonderland x VOXTO

Some of the plot is also inspired by the standalone novel, Heartless! I really recommend that you check it out if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

If any TW is needed for a chapter, and it isn't there, please do tell me !
The lore is based off au, and some attributes from their lore.
Feel free to list critique, plot ideas, characters to add, and your opinions in the comments!
I'm open to ideas and stuff that I will try to feature in the story!




The first drop of snow inviting the rest of its friends to fall asleep

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The first drop of snow inviting the rest of its friends to fall asleep

Nestling itself on its newfound home in the grass. Forever at rest with the ones you cherish.


 A twinkle of the morning sun seeped through Shoto's curtains. The mellow morning sun gave the impression of a mother tenderly rocking the baby she cradles awake, welcoming tomorrow in its benign affections. Along with the sun, the world arose. The one big accent of benevolent color in the monochrome world. Balance, the world had balance. Waking up every day to a blank canvas, the plain world that rests in the hands of humans' imaginations.

The serenity of the moment is shattered by his irksome alarm, the harmonies still encircling his ears, though it had already stopped with the lousy nudge of a button. But, how Shoto hates to wake up out of sheer annoyance of perpetual noises that never seemed to stop without his efforts. However, today happened to be quite a special day.

He tosses his strawberry-scented sheets aside and stretches, reclining his back with his arms out wide, as if offering a hug. Today, he had striking plans: plans to bake to his heart's desire. After all, his parents' arrival was not scheduled until noon. Shoto half-smirks and continues to bake in his self-pride for a little, as he sprawls on his velvety bed.

After finally getting out of bed, Shoto cheerily skips to his wardrobe to find something to wear. His closet is dappled in waves of deep to light lavender hues, along with darker colors to contrast. Accents of gold and royal blue are sprinkled among his minimal wardrobe. While he picks his outfit, he feels a light but familiar tap on his shoulder.

He turns around to see the closed-eyed smile of a familiar boy.
 Shoto exchanges a smile back to his dear friend. Ether was his butler, and one of his closest ─ no, one of his only friends.

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