xii : prince charming

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A/N: i've just been having a hard time being content with my work, i'll be sure to finish this quick!





Love that was too confusing to explain

Love was interesting.


"Easy boy, I got you."

Those words were so warm, like a fire in the middle of a winter wonderland. It made him fuzzy, as the slayer felt a warm blush fill his face; he couldn't help but smile.

Consciousness came back to him as he heard low laughter.

"Awake, are you? It's morning, the next day sweetheart." His voice was melodious. A song in which every sane writer would find beautiful. 

Ah, it's Vox.

"We have a big habit of meeting like this, don't we~?" Vox teased as he traced his finger on the footboard. Shoto opened his eyes to meet the owner of the voice, staring into the gold surface hiding under the jester's long lashes.

The purpelette blinked a few times to adjust his eyes to the light; they were... In his room? Bandages were wrapped around his head; a tightly bound restriction, how familiar. He lifted his head to check when a hand pinned his torso back to the bedsheets.

"Don't move yet, sire~" Vox moved his hands behind his back with a quick swish, leaning his head in to give Shoto a sly smile as he squinted his eyes accordingly. The smile was teasing, yet full of kindness with little pools of treachery. Just what trap did he fall into?

Shoto blinked, a crimson shade permeating his face. His lips parted, but his voice refused to work. Those golden eyes continued to ruin him slowly, never leaving his gaze. That fucker was doing it on purpose.

"Charming, aren't I? Staring's rude darling," The man with a devilish demeanor broke the gaze as he closed his eyes to smile even harder.

"On second thought, you look good in red, don't you~?" Vox smiled, poking a teasing hand at Shoto's now bandaged forehead, making Shoto scrunch his nose up from pain and embarrassment from the reference of the night before.

"Shut up! That hurt!" Shoto sat up suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed and at an angle. He held the bandage protectively where Vox just touched; it stung badly.

"That suit wasn't my choice!" He turned around to face the wall to pout and cool off, kicking his legs as the blankets swerved around his wailing feet. It was the truth. Maybe he would've been a little more fine with it if the ball wasn't in such a monochrome theme. 

"Why don't you say that when you're not so red, you looked just a bit cuter like that," Vox showed an annoyingly coy face as his widening eyes feigned innocence as he finally backed away from the slayer's turned head.

Shoto saw red, but this time, it was full of annoyed anger."Red's more your color, Mr. Akuma, speak for yourself!"

"So you were admiring me~? Thank you!" Vox didn't rest easy, he continued poking at the boy's annoyance until his head looked like it was about to explode.

"Was never!" Well, a white lie wouldn't hurt. 

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