iii : black, gold, and bloodstained

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Author's note: Getting views on my fanfiction got me that feeling of reading fluff, I'm going to write my ass til I'm asleep, this makes me so happy for no reason!! Still got homework and extracurricular, but thank you thank you! Staying up won't hurt if I can wake up to this !


Bare with me here, alright????? I'm going to need several all-nighters in order to reorganize and catch up on my own life, joyful ain't it?




Dressed in a ballgown

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Dressed in a ballgown. Though never having this feeling in your life, it feels familiar. You're homesick, might these be memories that were never yours?

Waltzing to classics, the most majestic in the moonlight.

The only thing missing is them.


Shoto half waltzed to the door of his house, practicing his steps and elegantly swaying to the familiar rhythm, humming as he went on. Of course, the ball events were something the king hosted quite frequently, but the decorations always happened to be remarkable. Shoto adored how every bit and detail in the ballrooms harmonized quite seamlessly like the minuscule characteristics to reveal a much bigger picture.

The aureate inner domes and columns were always lined with etches of flowers and intricate designs; curves and paths formed with the final illusion of a tree. Diamond-adorned chandeliers clung to the elevated ceiling, shimmering with the assistance of the dim candlelight that filled the room. The most famous vintage paintings decorated the walls that were once bare many, many years earlier.

He loved the variation of the tailcoats, fur caps, and corsets galore in the vast sea of guests. It was a scene from countless wild fantasies, and it was one he was fortunate enough to see regularly. The lifestyle was a trance, a drug one would get addicted to much too easily.

He snapped back to reality as he saw the wide door frame embodying the wooden bocote door in which it contained. Shoto inhaled sharply, forcing a gust of air into his lungs, and grinned as he prepared himself to greet his mama. He grinned in a way that his deep violet eyes were highlighted, even with the minimal amount of light. He turned the handle.

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