x : roses painted in ebony

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A/N: i've been feeling really inspired lately, considering as of late, the events going on in my life. Some parts have been rough, but I got through it and have been only improving ever since, thank you for your time!




the night breeze carries something sweet 

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the night breeze carries something sweet 


"Vox, Vox Akuma" He smiled, his ink mask slowly fading as he held out a shakable-hand. "Pleasure to meet you"


Shoto shook his hand, a look of awe and admiration undeniably plastered on his face, as the corners of his mouth rolled up into an awkward smile.

"Shoto, of the guild" Shoto smiled "The pleasure is mine"

Vox pulled a tray of food from behind him, seemingly pulling it out of thin air. It was unfamiliar but looked strangely appetizing.

"Please, eat, it'll make you feel a lot stronger, I promise," Vox stated, as he pushed the tray towards Shoto, the purplette accepted it more eagerly than he should. His stomach ached, whether from hunger or from the strangling garments he donned for the night. 

"You made quite the stunt in the ballroom" Shoto beamed through sloppy bites, pulling out a muddy card from his pocket. The bent card that had the symbol of a king was presented proudly in his hands. 

"That so?" Vox laughed with a devilish demeanor, smooth and appealing, as he pulled a card from the back of Shoto's ear, mocking his little tricks from the ballroom.

"Made me forget some of my problems" He laughed, scratching the back of his neck, then reaching back again for the strings of his corset.

Then, he realized. They were gone.

Vox watched as the man stretched his arms to the back of his corset, visibly struggling, and having a look of obvious confusion smeared on his face. Even though what he was looking for was evidently gone, he kept reaching, as if he trusted it to appear at his orders.
"Where..?" Shoto became frustrated as he searched the ground around him, tossing his head back and forth while patting the course dirt.

Vox sighed, scavenging deep inside his pocket.

"Oh, might this be what you're looking for~?" Vox grinned, half devilish, and half pure. He reached out his hand. In it were five strings that were once milky white, now dusted in a layer of brown. The soil dug into the woven layers of spun polyester, making their mark within the yarn as if creating a new compound.

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